Tag: shale oil

Enron castaway shrugs off low price to become ‘Apple of Oil’

Investors spooked by the heavy debt carried by most U.S. producers are flocking to companies that generate so-called free cash flow.  More »

Saudis recall 1998 showdown in taking on U.S. shale rivals

To win the showdown, the Saudis are trying to bring OPEC’s weaker members in line before the Nov. 27 meeting of the organization.  More »

OPEC oil basket price falls below $80 to least in 4 years

U.S. oil production rose to the highest in at least 31 years amid slowing global demand, helping drive crude into a bear market last month.  More »

Marathon remains committed to shale drilling despite falling oil price

Despite falling oil prices, Marathon Oil said it remains committed to key U.S. shale plays.  More »

Halliburton CEO expects shale to reverse oil price slump

Halliburton CEO Dave Lesar is joining the chorus of oil executives who say they aren’t worried about falling oil prices, and expect them to climb next year.  More »

Low oil prices send chills through oil patch

Lower oil prices, while good for the broader U.S. economy, are a threat to what has been a surprising and dramatic surge in oil production in the U.S.  More »

For Texas farmers, drilling boom comes with a cost

Farmers in Glasscock County, where wells outnumber people more than three-to-one, say they’re losing valuable land to new drilling sites.  More »

Shale boom redraws oil routes as Alaska ships to Korea

South Korea received this month a shipment of Alaskan oil for the first time in at least eight years and may buy more.  More »

U.S. crude output rises to highest since 1980s on shale boom

U.S. crude production climbed to the highest level in at least three decades last week as the shale boom moved the country closer to energy independence.  More »

OPEC head tells oil market to stop panicking about prices

Crude collapsed into a bear market this month as Saudi Arabia and other producers deepened price discounts for their oil.  More »

Commentary: Lower crude prices aren’t all bad for the industry

Lower crude prices bring benefits to the industry.  More »

Mercedes drivers stung by shale boom’s quirks at the pump

The shale oil boom is proving far less kind to Mercedes-Benz drivers than it is to those sitting behind the wheel of a Toyota Camry or Chevrolet Impala.  More »
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