Videos, air sampling reveal Denton City’s broken promises to monitor fracking pollution

by TXsharon on May 1, 2014

in Denton

A press release from Denton Drilling Awareness Group has a series of FLIR GasFindIR videos taken over a period of several weeks and results of air sampling done in a backyard during flowback.

The videos show that emissions of volatile organic compounds are an ongoing problem in Denton. No wonder the air quality is the worst in Texas. The press release says the city broke promises to monitor air around these sites to make sure no air pollution occurred.

Flowback emissions from EagleRidge operations in the Vintage and Meadows neighborhoods trespassed onto their property. At the very tail-end of the flowback process when the emissions had subsided, testing in a resident’s backyard still showed 7 chemical compounds including acetone, and benzene was detected over the state long term limit.

To read the whole press release, and watch the videos see: Videos, air sampling reveal Denton City’s broken promises to monitor fracking pollution.

Here is a video I took during the EagleRidge flowback.

So, what’s the big deal about flowback?

It can be lethal. Deadly flowback vapors killed 21-year-old Montana man

It can make you sick.

Flowback vapors are what were sickening Arlington residents but Chesapeake Energy assured us it was only steam from hot water. (photos and video HERE)

Flowback vapors are what Colleyville/Southlake residents tested but the city’s consultant claimed there were no harmful vapors during the mini frack.

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