Oil and Gas Health Effects

There are a variety of chemicals used during the drilling and production phases of oil and gas; and different types of wastes are produced throughout the development process.

Increasingly, landowners and residents of oil and gas field communities are reporting health impacts that they believe are linked to environmental toxics associated with the oil and gas development activities in their area. These reports include incidents of: asthma, respiratory and cardiovascular illnesses, autoimmune diseases, liver failure, cancer and other ailments such as headaches, nausea, and sleeplessness.

Public Health and Toxics Issues

For more information:

Fact Sheets





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Break out the popcorn! @frackfreedenton & ex-@Chesapeake govt relations director @adamphaynes r going at it over #Denton #fracking ban vote.
@JHH__ @JosMirek 27 million! You sure? Got a link?

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