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President Obama: Put the Brakes on Fracked LNG Exports

Right now, communities across the country are facing air, water, and climate pollution at the hands of natural gas companies. And the stakes have gotten even higher --  the potential for more fracking so the natural gas industry can export liquefied natural gas (LNG) to other countries.

President Obama is only hearing one side of the story from the Department of Energy, and it favors the natural gas industry. DOE's recent study on the economics of fracked gas exports completely ignores the public health, environmental, and climate costs of an export rush.

Let's remind President Obama of all the other costs -- the cost of buying drinking water because your well is polluted with fracking chemicals, lost work days because your child is sick due to respiratory problems, and increasing utility bills to heat our homes while communities are left to pay the price for fracking.

Send your letter today. Tell President Obama to put the brakes on exporting fracked gas.

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    • President Barack Obama
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We need a timeout on LNG exports

Dear President Obama,

Please take a look at the real costs of exporting liquefied natural gas will have on our communities. Unfortunately, the recent economic study on liquefied natural gas exports by NERA Economic Consulting is so flawed that it must be rejected by you and the Department of Energy.

It's time to go back the drawing board and conduct a truly independent study of how LNG exports will impact our communities.

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