
Ferguson Chief Jackson Denies CNN Resignation Reports

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Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson speaks with a reporter in Ferguson, Mo., on Aug. 12, 2014. Jackson said he will not release the name of the officer that shot and killed unarmed teen Michael Brown on August 9, 2014. Photo: UPI/Bill Greenblatt

Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson speaks with a reporter in Ferguson, Mo., on Aug. 12, 2014. Jackson said he will not release the name of the officer that shot and killed unarmed teen Michael Brown on August 9, 2014. Photo: UPI/Bill Greenblatt

Election Returns

FERGUSON, Mo. (KMOX) – CNN reported Tuesday night that Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson has plans to resign and turn the department over to St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar.

However, at Tuesday night’s Ferguson City Council meeting, Jackson denied any such move.

Ferguson police spokesman Tim Zoll tells KMOX the report is flat out false.

Zoll says he spoke to Jackson after the council meeting, and he “categorically denied any accuracy to that report.”

“I don’t know where CNN got that information from, but I spoke with the chief personally, and that information that was put out by CNN is incorrect,” he says.

A tweet sent out by Zoll Tuesday night read: “Ferguson Chief says he has not resigned, He has not been told to resign. He has not been fired. If he leaves, it will be his choice alone.”

CNN, citing “government officials familiar with discussions between local, state and federal officials,” reported that Jackson would resign as early as next week.

The network said the move would be designed to help reduce tensions in Ferguson before the grand jury investigating the Michael Brown shooting issues its findings.

“Nobody in my chain of command has asked me to resign, nor have I been terminated,” Jackson told CNN after the network reported he would step down.

Belmar also told reporters that he’s heard nothing of such plans.

Ferguson Mayor James Knowles said there is no plan for Jackson to step down.

This story was updated at 8:44 a.m. on Oct. 29.

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