
Police Arrest Suspect In Knife-Point ATM Robberies

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(Photo Credit: KDKA)

(Photo Credit: KDKA)

Ross Guidotti Ross Guidotti
Pittsburgh native and Point Park graduate Ross Guidotti joined KDKA-TV...
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NEW STANTON (KDKA) — Police say they have taken a suspect into custody in connection with multiple robberies of ATM users at a New Stanton bank.

Authorities arrested James Stonick this morning after a manhunt in a wooded area behind the Huntington Ridge apartments, where his girlfriend lives.

Someone reportedly saw his photo on the news, recognized him and contacted police.

Stonick eventually surrendered.

He was taken to state police barracks, where he is being charged in the robberies.

Police say the knife-wielding suspect confronted three customers who were withdrawing cash from a Commonwealth Bank this month.

In one instance, police say a startled customer dropped their debit card, which the suspect then tried to use.

On his way to jail Tuesday night, Stonick had a lot to say.

“Listen man, I did the last one, the other two I did not do,” he said.

Reporter: “So you did, in fact, do one of them?”

Stonick: “Someone gave me information about them, you know what I mean … the first two, so I did the last one. Someone gave me information about the other two, they just said it was an easy way to get money.”

Reporter: “So they framed you?”

Stonick: “Yes.”

His bail is set at $100,000 straight cash. He is charged with robbery and assault.

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