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How AP counts the vote and calls races

As votes in the U.S. midterm elections roll in across the country on Nov. 4, it's AP that will be counting the results through the evening. The news industry and the public turn to AP, a not-for-profit cooperative, to provide fast and reliable results on national, state and local races and key ballot measures. Here, Washington Bureau Chief Sally Buzbee, explains why AP plays such a critical role for both the public and the press.
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AP Video Hub wins 2014 Chairman's Prize

The team behind AP's market-leading video delivery platform has won the Chairman's Prize, an honor bestowed by the cooperative for a transformational offering that benefits AP and the news industry it serves.
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Coverage plans for midterm elections

With 36 states holding gubernatorial contests and control of the U.S. Senate in play, the stakes are high in midterm elections, when The Associated Press will be uniquely positioned to count the votes and report the results. No other national news organization can match AP’s footprint, on-the-ground knowledge or the deep expertise of our elections team in Washington. 
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