What’s a widget?

Widgets make it easy to publish and view Vimeo videos on other web sites.

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What the heck is a Hubnut?

The Hubnut provides a TV-style viewing experience. You can use a Hubnut to publish up to 100 of your videos as an embeddable playlist, or watch your Vimeo subscriptions on other sites. Hubnuts can be made from your videos, subscriptions, Channels, Albums, Groups, or likes.

Please note that Hubnuts will not show private videos, and they are currently flash-based only. This means that you will not be able to view your Hubnut on iPhones, iPads, or iPods.

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How do I use the Hubnut?

Go to vimeo.com/tools/widget and click Create a Hubnut, then follow the instructions to customize it. Once you're done, grab the embed code to use on your site. Then sit back and watch the magic happen.

Please note that Hubnuts will not show private videos, and they are currently flash-based only. This means that you will not be able to view your Hubnut on iPhones, iPads, or iPods.

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What is a Montage?

The Montage creates a fun, visual display of your newest videos that you can post on other sites. To create a Montage, go to vimeo.com/tools/widget and click Create a Montage, then choose the number of videos to be displayed and the layout of your liking. Once you've customized it as you see fit, you can use the embed code to post it on other sites.

Please note that Montages cannot be created with private videos. Only public videos are compatible with the Montage widget. 

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