How do I share a video?

Vimeo is bursting at the seams with amazing videos; we don’t blame you for wanting to share your faves!

When you come across a share-worthy video, click the Share button you see on the video player. From there, you’ve got a couple fancy options:
  • Grab the direct video link
  • Post, pin, tumble or tweet the video to your favorite social media sites by clicking the corresponding icon
  • Email the video to your friends and family by entering their email address or Vimeo username
  • Copy the embed code and paste the player onto your website or blog. You can even customize the way it will look by clicking + Show options

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Can I hide the Share button on my video?

You cannot hide the Share button from videos on

Plus and PRO members can also customize the embedded video player to hide the Share button. Fancy!

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Can I share or embed private videos?

If you choose the "Only me" privacy option, you will not be able to share your video, but you can absolutely share your password-protected videos! To access the different sharing options, click the "Share" button that appears when you hover your mouse over the video player. As with a public video, you can copy and paste a direct link, share the link via social networks, and/or embed the video elsewhere (just make sure you provide the password to your intended viewers).

You can also use the "Share" window to send off your password-protected videos via email. If you choose this option, we will automatically send the password to your chosen recipients.

If you are a PRO member, you can also use Video Review Pages to securely share your videos.

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Can I share lots of private videos at once?

Yes, you can add as many private videos as you like to a private Album for easy, secure sharing. 

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Can I link viewers to a specific part of my video?

Yes! To share a video link that will begin playback at a specific point, all you need to do is add a bit of code to the end of the URL. Just add #t= followed by the timecode of where you'd like playback to begin.

For example:

By adding #t=1m2s to the end of the URL, the link automatically triggers playback to begin one minute and two seconds into the video.

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