
If your uploads are failing, we’ll help you diagnose the issue and find the right solution. Remember, many issues can be resolved with a simple do-over. Click here to try your upload again.

Still having trouble after multiple upload attempts? We can help troubleshoot.

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Did you click “Upload Selected Videos”?

After selecting your video for upload, don’t forget to hit the green Upload Selected Videos button. Your upload won’t start until you click this button.

Upload Selected Videos

Do you have any browser extensions or add-ons enabled?

Sometimes, certain browser extensions can interfere with the uploading process. Please try disabling these before attempting to re-upload your video.

Troubleshoot your network connection.

  1. If you are relying on WiFi for your Internet connection, try switching to a hardwired Ethernet connection. This will be a faster, more stable connection. This is what an Ethernet cable looks like:

    Ethernet Cable

  2. If possible, connect to a different Internet network and try your upload again.

Try other browsers.

Sometimes resolving an upload issue is as simple as switching your web browser. Try your upload on a couple different web browsers (e.g. Chrome or Firefox) to see if the issue persists.

Make sure your browser is up-to-date.

! Looks like your browser is outdated or unrecognized. Update or install a compatible browser to ensure successful uploads.

Make sure you’re using the most up-to-date version of your browser. Find the latest versions at browsehappy.com.

Try pausing and resuming your upload.

If your upload appears stuck, please try pausing, then resuming the upload.

Note: Only browsers that support our Advanced Uploader will have pause/resume functionality. (Check the list of compatible browsers in our FAQ.) If your browser does not support it, please skip this step.

Close any open tabs or windows.

Sometimes, if there is too much browser activity, uploads can get stuck. Please try closing any extra browser tabs and windows, or other applications that might be connected to the Internet.

Check out your video file.

First, make sure you’re uploading a valid video file. (Project files and reference files won’t work.)

Next, check your format. Vimeo accepts many video formats. However, we strongly recommend uploading videos that conform to our Compression Guidelines. Not only will these settings make it easier for you to upload your video, it ensures that your video will look awesome!

There are some codecs that will not work with Vimeo. These include: Go2Meeting, Canopus HQ, Apple Intermediate Codec. If you are using one of these, you’ll need to re-compress your video. Check out our FAQ if you need help with that!

Disconnect and reconnect your Dropbox account.

Many issues can be resolved by simply disconnecting, then reconnecting, your Dropbox account to Vimeo. You can disconnect your Dropbox account in your Account Settings page, under the Apps tab.

If you are using the Dropbox auto-upload feature, make sure that you re-select the correct auto-upload folder.

Read more about connecting your Dropbox account to Vimeo in our FAQ.

Remove and rename your video files.

Sometimes, Vimeo has trouble identifying whether a file has already been uploaded to your account or not. To ensure that your files are being correctly recognized, please try the following:

  1. Remove all files from your Dropbox auto-upload folder.

  2. Rename one of your files. Make sure that you are using a unique file name that has not been uploaded to Vimeo previously.

  3. Replace this file in your auto-upload folder. If you are not using the Dropbox auto-upload feature, you can skip this step.

Contact us.

Thanks for completing our troubleshooting guide. Hopefully your issue has been resolved, but if not, we’ll help out. Either way, any info you provide will make Vimeo better for all.

Please provide a detailed account of the issue you’re having, including the page you’re on and what you were doing when the problem occurred.

Please indicate the browsers where you experienced an issue: *


Please specify the OS and browser (with version information)

If you saw an error during your upload, please let us know what it said:

Thank you!

Thanks for contacting the Help Center! We’ll get back to you ASAP.