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Jill's access to the nation's top leaders in finance
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LinkedIn FinanceConnect: February 13, 2014
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Tired of boring financial information? Need a break from simplistic platitudes and get rich quick schemes? Stick around, because I will take the mystery out of everything money… Welcome to, where the conversation is smart, entertaining and relatable.

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I love solving financial problems (I am a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional and former options trader), no matter how simple or complicated, so click here if you have a question.Ask Jill

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Read Jill's blog to understand how big financial stories impact your bottom line.

Financial Tip of the Week

The first nine months of the year were relatively peaceful, but recent volatility has prompted some to wonder what to do now. If you are tempted to sell everything because you think that markets are going even lower, remember there’s a big catch.

Even if you knew that stocks were going to plunge another 10 percent and sold, how would you know when to get back in? That’s why timing the market is so hard and more importantly, why it should be avoided at all costs.