#Joe-Ebola-Barton & GOP will cost US $750 million in 6 mths for #EbolaWar from prior CDC funding cuts

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     As our nation is in an Ebola scare with a third confirmed case in the DFW Metroplex, more troops have been deployed in the war against TIME fighting the virus on its own turf in Africa.

Almost 600 US troops are now in Ebola harms way. 

     U.S. Army Gen. David Rodriguez, the commander of U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM), said the efforts to contain will cost us an estimated $750 million in the first six months. The expected number of US troops deployed could top 4,000 in their mission in setting up hospitals so that patients can be isolated and cared for.
     During Republican Congressman Joe Barton’s three decade reign, he has sat on the House Health Committee which oversees the CDC and NIH. He repeatedly voted to reduce funding which delayed the development and manufacture of vaccines for Ebola and other deadly diseases. Likewise, post phoned drug trials left physicians without knowledge of dangerous side effects for the only treatments available for Ebola. Under Barton’s watch, VA Hospital funding was slashed even though we had a high number of soldiers returning home and waiting long, unacceptable periods for healthcare.  Barton’s lax legislative oversight has left ‘US’ ill-equipped, as was demonstrated here in Dallas with outdated protocols and inadequate infection control training. Now what kind of care do these soldiers have to look forward to “here”  if they become infected?
     The CDC’s Emergency Preparedness Budget has been cut nearly in half since 2006  resulting in more than 45,700 job losses at state and local health departments since 2008Vaccine research funding for viruses like Ebola was curtailed despite evidence that the virus has been wiping out entire villages in Africa since the nineteen seventies. Ebola now risks the lives of US hospital workers, soldiers, & citizens as currently there is no cure or vaccine for this deadly virus.
The election is November 4 2014, please vote David COZAD to replace “Smokey, Ebola-Joe Barton”.
Get Ebola diary updates here.
Get info on fever scanner phone accessory here.
Read more about Barton and his proud fracking display at Arlington Gasland drill site.

Barton at town hall meeting in Arlington Gasland TX-after meeting I told him when they were finishing the gas wells near our home that my teen got this rash and my husband’s lymph nodes were swollen and he said he was glad Arlington was aggressively drillng in urban areas.


About Kim Triolo Feil

Since TX Statute 253.005 forbids drilling in heavily settled municipalities, I ran City Council Seat to try to enforce this. I lived in Norco’s “cancer alley”, a refinery town, and have become ultra sensitive to pollution since urban drilling has come to Arlington TX. I know there are more canaries here in Arlington having reactions to the new industrialized airshed (we have 55-60 padsites of gas wells). Come forward and report to me those having health issues especially if you live to the north/northwest of a drill site so I can map your health effects on this blog. My youtube account is KimFeilGood.
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