Donate to the Citizens Empowerment Project


Help frontline communities collect the data they need to protect themselves from air pollution caused by oil and gas operations. Your gift will be used to buy specialized equipment that measures methane, hydrogen sulfide, radiation and other toxic pollutants.

We will then teach residents affected by oil and gas development how to test their air and use the data to pressure state regulators and elected officials to take action to protect public health and safety.

Earthworks has partnered with IATS Payments to facilitate your online transaction. You will see Earthworks associated with this transaction on your credit card statement.

If you prefer to send a check by mail, click here to do so.

Earthworks is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. EIN/Tax ID #52-1557765. Your donation is tax deductible.

Questions? Contact Ann at (202) 887-1872 x106 or

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Break out the popcorn! @frackfreedenton & ex-@Chesapeake govt relations director @adamphaynes r going at it over #Denton #fracking ban vote.
@JHH__ @JosMirek 27 million! You sure? Got a link?

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