laura turner garrison Staff


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User Bio

Oh, hello there. I'm the Senior (Citizen) Writer/Producer on Vimeo's Production Team. What that means is I like big ideas and spreadsheets. I'm a huge hit at parties, trust me. Please? You seriously don't trust me? You're probably right. I'll let myself out. Unless?

External Links

  • Twat Me! - Full Disclosure: I rarely use Twitter, but here we are.


  1. Peter Jordan
  2. Sarah Gertrude Shapiro
  3. M/A/D
  4. Vox Studios
  5. Eva Michon
  6. Raymond C. Lai
  7. The Lincoln Motor Company
  8. Miranda July
  9. Eat Our Feelings
  10. Cy Kuckenbaker
  11. Echograph
  12. Narratively
  13. Getting Big
  14. Imaginary Forces
  15. Xian Foods
  16. Daniel Jay Bertner
  17. Canon Pro
  18. Hiro Murai

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Recent Activity

  1. Can't believe I'm just seeing this now. Can't believe it's been 2 months. Time flies, right? Huh, kind of make ya think ya know? Life sure is crazy.