1,456 Staff Picks.
20,000,000 registered members.
135,000,000 unique viewers worldwide.
4,903,040,517 video plays.
1 burrito speed-eating contest.

2013 was Vimeo’s best year yet. We made this page to tell you about it.

+ More from the Staff Blog Archive


Mark Schoneveld

Mark Schoneveld Plus

Let's double the size of 2014 by speed-eating TWO burrito contests.


Newspaniard Plus

I joined Vimeo because Google were becoming too big for their boots and seemed to have too close a connection with government departments, collecting personal information on their behalf. All my videos will have been migrated from YouTube by the end of February 2014.

Broken Lens

Broken Lens Plus

✖ we hope to improve and make some money this spring to get the PRO account! Meanwhile, thank's Vimeo for the free stuff.

SugarSweet Ax

SugarSweet Ax

Vimeo's the best! Here's to a great 2014!

Thomas Contegni

Thomas Contegni

What can one say about such excellence in short film...to a great 2014.




Joseph Valentinetti

Joseph Valentinetti Plus

Have you thought about a category for videos that won awards from outside sources during the year?
For example one of my videos, Little Billy, won a WAVE Award (Western Alliance for Video Excellence). The contestants came from six states, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Oregon and Hawaii. They all produce video for Community access television (PEG stations). Mine won in the experimental group.
I'm sure many Vimeo members have much more to offer than I do.

Percy von Lipinski

Percy von Lipinski PRO

Hands down, best video site on earth...so far (just to keep vimeo staff on their toes). why on earth would you want to use anything else. I love the freedom of taking responsibility for promoting my own content, without having to depend on Youtube or Google search engines to find my content. Probably the best thing though is that I can very easily access video on just about any smart TV. Look out Youtube, Vimeo is going to kick your butt!

Chris Tevebaugh

Chris Tevebaugh Plus

I cant believe we have a full year of surprises waiting for us! And we already got a wicked new player... Smell-O-Vision 2014 anyone?

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