
Evgeni Malkin Wins Twitter (Again) With Halloween Pictures

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(Photo by Justin K. Aller/Getty Images)

(Photo by Justin K. Aller/Getty Images)

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Halloween is coming up on Friday. Have you picked out your costume yet? If not, maybe you can draw some inspiration from the Pittsburgh Penguins!

If you don’t follow Evgeni Malkin on Twitter or Instagram, you are definitely missing out.

This isn’t the first time and it’s hopefully not the last time that we put something together based on his incredible social media postings.

The Penguins’ superstar recently posted some pictures of the team’s annual Halloween party.

Malkin went with the traditional “Dracula” costume, but some of his teammates went to the next level.

Sidney Crosby went as Rocky Balboa, while Kris Letang brought back his magnificent flow (albeit in wig form) to complete his Mad Hatter costume.

According to the Penguins’ officials website, Chris Kunitz and his wife went as Ron Burgundy and Veronica Corningstone. However, the big winners of the night were Paul Martin, Nick Spaling, Beau Bennet and Robert Bortuzzo.

Collectively, they went as rock legends KISS! They even took the time to get the face paint just right.

As a bonus, here’s a picture of Geno shopping with a little Penguins fan!

For more about the party, visit the Penguins’ website here:

Also, be sure to follow Evgeni Malkin on Instagram and Twitter.

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