For National Cat Day, Uber, Cheezburger, And The ASPCA Will Bring Kittens To Your Office

By Alyssa Pereira
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(Photo by Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images)

(Photo by Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images)

In honor of National Cat Day, Uber, the ASPCA and the monstrous meme library that is Cheezburger have partnered for UberKITTENS, a campaign meant to “raise awareness about cat adoption, and to promote adopting animals from shelters rather than from breeders.”

UberKITTENS brings an SF SPCA kitten to your San Francisco office (via a request on the app) for you and your co-workers to hang with.

The kitteh delivereh costs $30, but you can (and should) donate as much as you want to the cause, as 100% of the campaign’s proceeds will go directly to shelters.

If you haven’t yet signed up for Uber, you can do so with the code KITTENS. If you already have Uber on your phone, beginning at 12 noon (to 4 pm), you should see a “KITTENS” option when you open the app.

You get 15 minutes of play time with the kitten if there is one available nearby, and its volunteer chauffeur will tell you about kitten adoption.

Happy official Caturday, Bay Area!

h/t: Business Insider


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