Thursday, October 30, 2014
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U.S. considering empowering Iraqi tribes in ISIS fight
The top U.S. military officer says the Pentagon is beginning to consider ways to bring the Sunni Arab tribes of Iraq’s Anbar province more fully into the battle against ISIS.

2010 homicide remains unsolved
Police re-energize effort to solve shooting death of Racole 'Cocoa' Hill.

Toledo Rep to stage crime drama
Laura inspired 1944 detective film.

31 take Oath of Citizenship
Students help celebrate in naturalization ceremony at DeVeaux Elementary.
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4 dead after Kan. plane crash
Small plane crashed into Wichita airport safety building.

Video of catcalling goes viral
Woman recorded herself walking through New York City.

Area Trick-or-treat schedule
Many communities celebrating Halloween today.


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Obama to campaign in Detroit
Stumping Saturday for Mich. Democrats running for U.S. Senate, governor.
10 minutes ago

Calif. city's bankruptcy plan approved
Stockton second only to Detroit in largest U.S. cities to go bankrupt.
25 minutes ago

FTC sues Gerber over claims on infant formula
Claim that it can prevent or reduce allergies in children is bogus, agency says.
31 minutes ago

Halloween canceled as Pa. police continue manhunt
Suspect charged with Sept. killing of state trooper still on the run.
1 hour ago

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Keith Burris
Ford should stay and fight
Jack Ford can help the mayor and the city.
Blade Slices - Politics
Republicans on offense
Ohio GOP didn't get Gov. Kasich’s message about no negative ads
Barbara Hendel
Around Town: 10-30
Football, Halloween inspire parties.
Mary Bilyeu
Many restaurants but little time
New book details 1001 must-experience restaurants.
Ride Along
Unsolved Toledo: Carole Varnes
Carole Varnes was fatally shot outside her home more than 20 years ago.
Blade Slices - Politics
Early voting totals trailing 2010...
Early voter numbers portend reduced turnout in Nov. 4 election.
Dave Hackenberg
Toledo great comes back to lead
Jeff Massey returns to UT to coach under Kowalczyk.

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Forced quarantining of health-care workers who have treated Ebola patients is a political, not scientific, move.

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