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Scrap Rezoning Considerations in NYC

Re-zonings have resulted in devastating effects to communities through gentrification, displacement and reductions in community cohesiveness.  The rich cultural legacy of Sunset Park must be retained and all zoning considerations need be taken off the table for our working waterfront. 

  • President Obama's Clean Power Plan

    President Obama's Clean Power Plan is the first EPA regulation to cut global warming pollution from existing power plants, the largest source of carbon in the U.S. But King Coal is trying to block the regulations before they even take effect. In the coming weeks, we'll help collect tens of thousands of public comments to make the regulations even stronger, and make sure they go through.

  • We got DOWN With the Global Frackdown

    When we asked if you were down with the Global Frackdown, we had no idea how big this event could get. But having spent the last few days attending a few frackdown events and looking at hundreds of tweets, posts, pictures and stories online, I have to say: You people know how to get down!
