The iPhone Channel

We currently have a Kickstarter for a brand new Short Film Concept using the iPhone 6 again:
Please share it with your friends and back us if you can!

My name is Tristan Pope and I am a dance/fashion photographer. I mix Glamour and Fashion with the Strength and Movement of dance. I find the dance world to be invigorating, a refreshing way to show off that perfect clothing line or product, all while pushing the human body to the limit and focusing on strong passion. You can view my work at the link above or

When I first heard about the 240 frames per second on the iPhone 6, I knew I had to get it. I make a series of behind the scenes short videos for my Photography(viewable here: Using just the 60 frames per second, I can capture some amazing moments during the photoshoots I do with dancers from all over NYC. Well the idea that I could slow down some of the beautiful and powerful dance moves I have been shooting, I couldn’t pass up on this opportunity.

On Sunday, when I picked up my iPhone 6, I immediately put out a call to everyone I had worked with before and those who might be able to put a shout out for me as well (thank you Luis Pons). Within hours I had 18 dancers booked for Monday - Thursday. This was going to be a long week.

I looked through my camera gear and found my old iPhone 4S and 5S tripod adapter… needless to say, the new iPhone 6 didn’t fit, so I ended up tearing it apart and rigging my iPhone 6 with rubber bands and luck. Equipped with my tripod, an Anker battery pack(can charge my iPhone 8 times from 0 before it runs out of juice!), my laptop, duct tape(always carry duct tape), and a protective pouch(no one had any cases in stock) for my iPhone 6 I was ready to begin!


For slow motion I used Apple’s stock camera app and for timelapse I used Hyperlapse by instagram. The built in image stabilization made it ideal for quick shots without having to worry about keeping my hands still. If only the stock camera app could utilize this same technology to give the iPhone 6 the same stabilization as the 6 +. You may wonder why I didn’t just get the 6 plus… well, I enjoy my skinny jeans and have girlishly small hands, just ask my piano teacher from middle school.(Although they are rather soft…) Regardless the screen was the perfect size for viewing.

All dancers in order of appearance:

Anna Pinault
Callie Lyons
Arielle petruzzella
haylee Nichele
paulina bracone
Candace Can Dance
Jacob Melvin
Brittany Cavaco
Julian Watson
Ashley Marinelli
Bjorn Bolinder
Lindsey L Miller
Noreen Hughes
Mckenzie Mullan
Kailee Felix
Natalie Deryn Johnson

Photographer Assistant:
Alana Nicole

Tristan Pope


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The iPhone Channel

Stefano Rinaldo Plus

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