$350 phone accessory to detect fever – #EBOLA tool – too #fracking much money 4 CITIZEN MONITORS?



click here for the Ebola updates

What good is buying this expensive tool if  the local government doesn’t have a plan to mass monitor schools, businesses, and other public gathering places?

This would involve having designated citizen monitors use such a tool to locate those with fevers and have a response team to call to remove those #ebola carrying suspects into quarantine for Ebola testing.   THIS IS WHAT should be in the planning stages NOW in the most unfortunate event that the DALLAS CASE ESCALATES.

Here is my (paranoid) world laws if this thang escalates past healthcare workers…..

  • No common cup communion,
  • no hand shakes,
  • no sneezing without containment inside your shirt or get a citizen ticket or stigma stare for spreading germs..
  • of course no travel by plane until we fix whats happening in Africa …
  • everybody wear a mask and gloves and
  • continually wipe handles in public with bleach wipes,
  • get flu shots to avoid regular fever and mistagging,
  • designated citizen monitors have Iphone 5 accessory to shoot a fever scan and contact CDC police to have person removed walking around with fever until proven not a high risk person for EBOLA.

Last month I presented this idea to the City of Arlington’s Public Health Official, Dr Cynthia Simmons, but again with no response. I recorded this request in my Aug 28th diary entry of Ebola updates. Even our DR Mayor Cluck is silent on any contact with me because I have pressured them both for statements on public health near fracking.

Here is what the City of Arlington (gasland Texas) is saying about #EBOLA….

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“The City of Arlington’s Public Health Authority and the Arlington Fire Department’s Office of Emergency Management are monitoring the situation that has recently been reported concerning the first human case of Ebola in Dallas County.

For more information concerning Ebola, please see the information located at the Tarrant County Public Health website: 

 http://tcweb.tarrantcounty.com/ehealth/cwp/view.asp?a=763&Q=493230&PM=1 “

When I went to that website, I clicked on the “Checklist for Ebola Preparedness”, it refers me to the CDC…

“CDC is available 24/7 for consultation by calling the CDC Emergency Operations Center
(EOC) at 770-488-7100 or via email at eocreport@cdc.gov.”

So I called the CDC and a man from Georgia referred me to the State Dept of Public Health (DSHS) citing this was a research facility. He said the DSHS would have to decide if that was an accurate fever detecting tool, and how it would be the DSHS responsibility on the feasibility of citizen monitors.

So I called the (local) State Dept of Public Health and spoke to Scott Mize in the Epidemiology department…

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Mr Mize said it was too early to worry about an outbreak and that so far we only have one Ebola case. I asked him if a week from now if this escalated, how long would it take to have a team who responds to citizen calls to remove people with fevers from public places? Not responding to my real (how much time to mobilize teams) question, all he said “at this time I do not recommend calling the police on people with fevers”.

How sad that #Ebola is trending and in the news cause its a visible and quick acting, destroying virus….I believe people will rise up and become citizen monitors and take matters in their own hands if they feel no one else is…now back to fracking…. it is a slow kill that people don’t feel till its too late.  Thanks for reading…now go learn about fracking after I learned, “I” became an active fracking citizen monitor..you can too.

About Kim Triolo Feil

Since TX Statute 253.005 forbids drilling in heavily settled municipalities, I ran City Council Seat to try to enforce this. I lived in Norco’s “cancer alley”, a refinery town, and have become ultra sensitive to pollution since urban drilling has come to Arlington TX. I know there are more canaries here in Arlington having reactions to the new industrialized airshed (we have 55-60 padsites of gas wells). Come forward and report to me those having health issues especially if you live to the north/northwest of a drill site so I can map your health effects on this blog. My youtube account is KimFeilGood.
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