Perr not so purr-frack in Mc Drill-land … Arlington Council will hear Enervest Drill Zone expansion request

Update 10/21/14 Here are some infrared videos uncovering the invisible emissions from EnerVest Operating drilling rig on Masch Branch and Hampton Rd in Denton TX that I sent Arlington City Council to view before the vote next Tues.
Heres some pics  from the above videos…
Screen shot 2014-10-21 at 10.37.04 PM Screen shot 2014-10-21 at 10.37.21 PM Screen shot 2014-10-21 at 10.37.58 PM Screen shot 2014-10-21 at 10.38.08 PM Screen shot 2014-10-21 at 10.38.22 PM Screen shot 2014-10-21 at 10.40.50 PM Screen shot 2014-10-21 at 10.42.06 PM Screen shot 2014-10-21 at 10.44.52 PM
Update:  At the 10/14/14 City Council meeting, council voted to hear this drilling zone case despite it not being supported by half of P&Z-…..this means they will ram rod this as expected on 10/28/14….
Engineer, Shea Kirkman, presenting the case for the council meeting responded…
 How is it that the presenters and the drillers get advanced notice of the meeting and yet the citizens wanting to fight this don’t? They put out the agenda items no more than four and half days before the hearing.
The City of Arlington sent me this response to my PIR..
From: City of Arlington – Open Records <>
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 3:06 PM
Subject: Open Records Request :: W017584-101414

— Please respond above this line —

Dear Kim Feil,

Your public information request to the City of Arlington received October 14, 2014, has been referred to me for response.  We have requested a ruling from the Attorney General in accordance with section 552.301 of the Government Code.  A copy of this request has been attached.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter. 

Christina Weber
Assistant City Attorney

—– Forwarded Message —–
From: kim feil <>
To: “” <>; “” <>; Robert Rivera <>; “” <>; “” <>; “” <>; “” <>; “” <>; “” <>; “” <>; “” <>; “” <>; “” <>; “” <>; Bridgett White <>; Tony Rutigliano <>
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 11:20 AM
Subject: Fw: October Waterworld Issue 2014 on Energy/Water Interdependency
How do we balance water and energy? This write up has me thinking that fracking has no place in our energy future when it comes to how we manage water…is that what you think the writer is saying? I do-please read the attachments and I am earnestly asking each one of you to send me a quick response. This will also let me know which council members have been benefitting from reading my hard worked research I provide to Arlington citizens for free. My own district representative told me he wouldn’t read my letters and it is your duty to communicate with the citizens of Arlington. Of course I will post your response on my blog as a follow up for my readers.
The attachments show part of the write up. I believe our city subscribes to this publication because our former water director, Julie Hunt, participated in a fracking water summit back in 2012.  Well maybe that summit was called Water Research Foundation and this magazine is geared to those managing municipal water systems is called Water World-they may be affiliated?
This water balancing act and those Ohio earthquakes brought on (not by injection wells but) by fracking (Enervest is fracking in Ohio) is two good reasons to keep in mind as council attempts to lightening rod round the Perr Enervest drilling zone in. Prudence in half of our P&Z members is highly respected and people will look to blame why their homes and foundations are moving too much.
Please admire those P&Z members who voted to err on the side of “lets not rush”-“lets wait and see”. Maybe some agreed with me that people in non-protected areas such as the KOA camp ground, local businesses, customers of the Quick Trip (see flowback fume vid there), and the hospital district (near TWO back to back drill sites) deserve set back protection.
The city is attempting a delay tactic in my PIR to not disclose if the Perr drilling zone vote is going to be on the 10/28 council meeting by saying an Attorney Genr’l ruling is needed to send out premature versions of the next agenda item listing.  So who can tell me straight up if the Perr drilling zone vote will be on the next city council meeting agenda? Any takers?
Kim Feil
aka-plugger of loopholes in our Gas Drilling Ordinance
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: WaterWorld <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 9:02 AM
Subject: Reminder: Your October 2014 Issue Is Available
From: Buzz Pishkur <>
To: ‘kim feil’ <>; Robert Cluck <>; Robert Shepard <>; Robert Rivera <>; Jimmy Bennett <>; Michael Glaspie <>; Charlie Parker <>; Lana Wolff <>; Sheri Capehart <>; Kathryn Wilemon <>; Don Jakeway <>; Stuart Young <>; Roger Venables <>; Jim Parajon <>; Bridgett White <>; Tony Rutigliano <>
Cc: Trey Yelverton <>; Gilbert Perales <>
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 1:27 PM
Subject: RE: October Waterworld Issue 2014 on Energy/Water Interdependency

Kim: The commentary on the water – energy nexus is nothing new and is not correlated specifically to the Fracking phenomena. We all know nexus is a fancy word for interconnection or linkage.  I have personal experience discussing this nexus in relation to the waters of the Great Lakes during the negotiations of the Great Lakes Pact between multiple Midwest states and Canada. The issue there was the power industry (electric generation) uses upwards of 75% of all the water that is taken from the Great Lakes while the focus was on the 17% of the water being used by people at their homes. It was shocking for some to learn the real facts related to what accounted for the majority of  the withdrawals. The other side of the water- energy nexus is that not only are large amounts of water used in the power generation process but that water utilities use significant energy to operation treatment facilities for fresh water and wastewater along with that of system booster and lift stations.  The two are interconnected and optimizing that situation has long been an area of discussion and focus for many.  It will continue to be a balancing act for utilities and legislators.

—– Forwarded Message —–
From: kim feil <>
To: Trey Yelverton <>
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: Perr Drill Case
Thank You.
From: Trey Yelverton <>
To: “‘'” <>
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 6:20 PM
Subject: Perr Drill Case
This case is scheduled for the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting on October 28th.
Trey Yelverton
City Manager


—– Forwarded Message —–

From: kim feil <>
To: “” <>
Cc: cindy powell <>; “” <>; “” <>; “” <>
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2014 3:12 PM
Subject: For P&Z recap comments/clarifications/request for workshop
Thank you for those P&Z members that voted this down last night for the Enervest Perr site expansion/drill zone SUP.
Last night one of the speakers was mistaken when she spoke of my own personal properties near the Truman site going down in value…she should have read my blog as what happened was that I protested and asked for that devaluation citing the gas wells nearby.
Another clarification that needs to be made was when Mr McAllister was wanting an account of violations, in the spirit of appropriate discussion…someone needed to talk about the Rice (then Carrizo) drill site near Hutchinson Junior High having two emission events back in 2012. Collin Gregory was the inspector that went out.
We had a fire truck or two following a three block wide plume through that neighborhood (that I saw black plumes of smoke at on Tuesday) that you can read about in the Rice drill site story. Even though those emission events involved when Carrizo was the owner, and even though no violations were found-not even a nuisance, this info was important.
It was relevant information because it was disruptive to the airshed and was a potential threat to the neighborhood. There was also a Carrizo emission event in Mansfield too where our Star Telegram reporter, Susan Schrock, and her small son was enveloped in a cloud trying to get into the school that was on lock down.
What the board also needed to know was that these events did not meet the TCEQ reportable quantity release threshold. The antiquated quantity rules for “reportable events” were made when we were drilling in rural areas. This is where Home Rule and good P&Z / City Council decisions can be made in the interest of public safety.
For those that voted for the expansion at all (health) costs to those downwind to the storage tanks at the KOA campground and those to the northwest that are downwind, please view these two videos as evidence of the hydrocarbons coming off those tanks 24/7…

Lake Arlington Natural Gas Waste Storage Tanks Infrared     and here is a video by a school…

FYI… I am putting pressure on AISD to respond to complaint #366 that is over a year and half old now.
As a leadership team effort, I am requesting that we have a meeting where representatives from the school board, city council, P&Z, firemen, and city inspectors can have citizen workshops with some industry or engineer representatives to discuss citizen issues.
Here is a video I took of the Perr site during flowback in 2011 showing the OPEN HATCH flowback tanks….
Yesterday, I questioned someone from the appraisal office to see if the driller paid the mineral taxes on the missing tax value data. I was told that they (Carrizo) did pay and in fact protested their taxes already paid saying that they were not the owner.  
Before the Arlington TX Planning & Zoning work session, I asked Mr Kirkland who presented the case, if in his line of consulting would help recommend that the drillers use Best Available Emission Control Technologies like the Vapor Point ventless flowback tanks. He said he’d look into it.
Also, Faith and I were speaking to Shea Kirkman, Rusty Ward, and two other Enervest industry reps. She brought up the vapor recovery devices and Rusty admitted twice in a row that “we should have vapor recovery units”.
During the meeting when one of the P&Z members asked the city what was involved with well plugging, Shae and I agreed that maybe the line of questioning must be from concerns about the recent WFAA casing water contamination story. It was then that Shae told me that “we are seeing 20 year old casings go bad”.
Last night I pointed out that Mr Shae Kirkman  mentioned the 400 mineral owners, but I reminded folks that only 1/4 of royalties are divided up between the 400 person interest….so much for the big royalty pay out.
I wonder who else besides Rusty Ward left Carrizo and went to work for Enervest? 
There is something to be said of a company in the business of owning aging wells that is a Limited Liability company.
Kim Feil

Here is part of what I spoke on last night at the P&Z hearing…..

In looking at the TAD records, I wanted to see what the value per sq ft was for a padsite and the adjacent land. For the Truman drill site near the ATT Stadium, the 6.7 acre site was double whopper valued at $77.50 sq ft but is now a measly french fry $5 sq ft for most of that land. For the remaining adjacent Collins frontage, the 1.5 acre is $18 sq ft.

We lost $12 million in Truman drill site surface valuations over a 5 year period. Netting the subsurface mineral valuations is a more convoluted story because the historic Apple Nine ownership mineral valuations were purged when ownership changed to Chesapeake. The same story applys to Carrizo in having sold to Enervest.

I have asked Roger Venables for info on mineral valuations, but am told it is not available. So here is the Perr surface devaluation information….

Enervest owns the 6.6 acre lot to the north with the old empty night club valued at $2.76 sq ft that has followed the market increase rate (+15% from 2011 figures at $2.40). The actual padsite of 6.3 acres lost 36% of its 2012 value and is now at $1.75 sq ft.

Similarly the Chesapeake padsite adjacent to the Perr site at 2913 S Cooper has 8.3 acres commercial vacant at $1.70 sq ft.

Contrast that to the frontage property on Cooper street at the Race Trac gasoline station that sits on 1.4 acres that has a whopper value of $24 sq ft.

Across from the Rac Trac, (2904 S Cooper), the Avis shop has less than three quarters of an acre at $12 sq ft.

Nearby at 2805 Cooper, the tiny parcel (.2 acre) Espita Cleaning Service at is at $17 sq ft, & the Graham Station (across from the drill site) has 2.7 acres at $6 sq ft.

At 2915 S Cooper, the AG Realty owner has 4 acres at  $3 sq ft and sits between both drill sites.

The Chesapeake padsite near Green Oaks/Cooper (TAD 41588940) and near our municipal air port (TAD# 41583590), both are  AT SEVEN CENTS a sq ft.

(The Ederville drill site is also at seven cents a sq ft)

How low can it go….?

Screen shot 2014-09-17 at 10.25.25 PM Screen shot 2014-09-17 at 10.25.59 PM

Our padsite properties have the least value, since these properties are already “established” why not keep drilling? I’ll tell you why….let us figure how much it would cost to truck in water in the event of widespread water contamination due to the huge shale play buildout.

It has already started to affect our Big Mac seismicity attack status, and earthquakes risk damage to our casings. The existing wells may have unknown leaks that can take years to show itself, so lets not rush to allow more drilling when the science is just starting to catch up.

Ground water pollution can travel about a mile a year in general…nature needs 200 years to attenuate the pollution and we can’t wait that long.

East of the drill sites is the medical district. In looking at the Parkside Place with its nine quadraplex owners, that $30 sq ft ($7.8 million value) could go south along with the rest of Arlington jobs & property values if we don’t have water.

Yesterday I was at 303 & Cooper and saw black (smoke signal like) plumes to the east by the water tower near the Enervest Rice drill site…by the time I got down the hill, the plumes were gone…my son & I saw identical plumes like that from the Enervest UTA site one morning.

P&Z was told not to keep health and environmental reasoning in their deliberations, but a young 22 year old woman NW of (downwind less than a mile of these two drill sites) was diagnosed with thyroid cancer around the same time of her aunt who lives two blocks away (with breast cancer) at the same time the family dog did. I submit to you that the people less than 300 feet away in the KOA campground need to be protected…that they are categorized as  being outside of a “protected use” is unconscionable….

A lot is unknown about our Mc Donald Happy Land /Urban Drilling experiment we are in-no health or environmental impact study has been done…the gas can wait…our health and water supplies can not.

About Kim Triolo Feil

Since TX Statute 253.005 forbids drilling in heavily settled municipalities, I ran City Council Seat to try to enforce this. I lived in Norco’s “cancer alley”, a refinery town, and have become ultra sensitive to pollution since urban drilling has come to Arlington TX. I know there are more canaries here in Arlington having reactions to the new industrialized airshed (we have 55-60 padsites of gas wells). Come forward and report to me those having health issues especially if you live to the north/northwest of a drill site so I can map your health effects on this blog. My youtube account is KimFeilGood.
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