on Shale Gas & Tight Oil Development


 This citation database provides bibliographic information, abstracts, and links to many of the vetted scientific papers housed in the PSE Healthy Energy Library, as well as other peer-reviewed journal articles. This database is a near exhaustive and evolving list of the peer-reviewed literature that directly pertains to shale gas and tight oil development. This literature is organized into twelve different categories, including air quality, water quality, climate, public health, and regulations. PSE Healthy Energy does not necessarily support the methods and the findings of the studies included in this database.





Once accessed, users have the ability to sort, search, and select from the database. We recommend sorting the list by author name. This can be done by clicking the "creator" heading on the right side of the screen. Library settings can also be changed by clicking the button above "date modified" (here we recommend including "year" in the library view). Additionally, the Zotero library search bar (top right) is useful and can be used to search journal articles by topic, author, title, etc. 



For questions, problems, and suggestions please email Jake Hays at 


Zotero is free and open-source citation management software that enables users to manage bibliographic data and to generate in-text citations and bibliographies in word processers such as Microsoft Word and OpenOffice. The PSE Study Citation Database  on shale gas and tight oil development organizes peer-reviewed journal articles on this subject, allowing users to access and cite bibliographic information.





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