Thursday, October 30, 2014

Did I read this correctly? Second poll in a row shows declining support for gay marriage

This came from Fox News.

Now, before we jump and say that it's just a conservative news poll, keep in mind a few things:

--Pew is not conservative at all, and they also found a palpable drop in support for gay marriage last month. It just didn't go as low as this one.

--Fox is conservative on financial matters but has been pushing gay marriage a lot. People who think Fox is an anti-gay network need to stop and watch the channel for a while. For those of you who don't know, Fox News will not entertain input from people like me or others who have children's-rights arguments against same-sex marriage. Why? Like a lot of conservative outlets that have to placate the mass audience but still want gay marriage to be legalized, Fox favors religious-freedom arguments (people who opposed same-sex marriage out of faith). This is quite tactical and strategic -- by focusing on people who have to bake cakes against their faith for gay couples, Fox pleases its religious heartland audience but also knows the argument will not move the courts or legislatures against gay marriage.

What's going on? Well, I do think it was inevitable that a backlash would develop. So many people, like me, have felt the oppressiveness of the gay lobby in our personal lives, eventually people not only jump to defend those who are attacked for opposing gay marriage, they also start to oppose gay marriage themselves.


I've been getting lots of great, but scary, updates from my informant in the donor-conceived community, Clorinda. Here it is: the good, the bad, the ugly. Read all of it. Thanks, Clorinda!

New York State:
Astorino on birth-certificate plan: 'Fathers matter. Dads matter.'

"Republican gubernatorial hopeful Rob Astorino on Wednesday expanded on his plan to require fathers' names are listed on birth certificates, acknowledging that there may be some cases that require an exception....."

"Astorino was also asked about how the requirement would apply to children of same-sex couples.

"The father is the father," Astorino said. "Whoever the father is should be responsible."

And the child of a sperm donor?

"These are some of the legal issues that we're going to have to work through, clearly," Astorino said. "But instead of talking about the minute percentage, let's talk about the overwhelming percentage of births in this state where you have a father who is responsible or should be responsible, and that's where our target should be.""

Read more:

(Birth certificate or parenting certificate?)

Quotables from Gregoria

"Egg donation is generally very safe with no long-term risks.  Society in general, would not permit a young healthy woman to donate her eggs if the procedure was dangerous.  There, however, are some short-term risks associated with egg donation.   Knowing the warning signs and being educated about them will drastically help reduce these risks."

:The long-term health effects of egg donation have never actually been studied, in large part because the high cost of studies doesn't "seem justified in terms of what the possible risks [of the procedure] might be," according to Sean Tipton, spokesman for the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM).",8599,1888459,00.html

Doesn't seem justified. Wow.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Liberals Gone Illiberal

Here is an interesting commentary on the Coeur d'Alene's Hitching Post Wedding Chapel controversy:

After writing about the secular inquisition that is intent on forcing the proprietors of the Hitching Post Wedding Chapel in Coeur D’Alene, Idaho, to perform gay marriages in violation of their religious beliefs, I have been assured by some commenters that this is not a real case. The city of Coeur D’Alene, they tell me, was never really going to throw the book at the Hitching Post, and it’s all a fake controversy.
Except that the city’s intentions have since been confirmed by the city’s attorney. Furthermore, those who dismiss this as a fake controversy would be a lot more convincing if they didn’t go on to tell me that if it were a real case—which it is—they’d be for it.
More Here 

Al-Jazeera runs massive critique of international adoption

This is largely a review of the book "Child Catchers," which shows that there is no crisis of kids needing home at all. Over 90% of "orphans" counted in major adoption-industry statistics still have a living parent. How they get removed from their bio kin network is the source of huge controversy.

Racism, exploitation, and child trafficking -- in Canada!

Very creepy:

An excerpt:

Many of the kids are adopted and transferred from the state of Florida through an agency called Adoption By Shepherd Care, which is legally licensed and Hague-accredited. 

But that organization is mired in controversy, because of the fees it charges its Canadian clients. According to its information package, the costs attached to adopt a white baby can be as much as US $44,000. Biracial? A bit cheaper.
But for black babies? Even less. On average, no more than $35,000 US — a discount of close to $15,000 US.
"When you see 'biracial versus full African American differentials?' The only difference there is that child is 'whiter,' quote unquote," says Beth Hall, director of Pact, a U.S. Adoption Alliance. "And therein is exactly the racial hierarchy I'm talking about. That's called racism. That is racism."
It's also, some say, a sign of the times. Specifically, a sign that times have not changed.
Susan Smith (not her real name) travelled to Florida from her home in western Canada last winter,  and returned home as a new mother to an African American baby boy.

Reduced fee for adopting black children  

Smith was told the fees were reduced as an 'incentive' for Canadian families to agree to choose a black child instead of white, because no one else will.
"They told us, 'we're still considered part of the south, and there's a lot of families who don't want to have a black child,'" Smith says. "And so, it was no question in my mind. I said, 'oh, absolutely, we'll adopt an African American child,' because we really didn't care about whether the baby was caucasian or not."

Fertility clinics selling citizenship along with sperm and eggs?

Wild. From Daily Caller:

Lots to consider here.

Monday, October 27, 2014


Below is a list of all the candidates for public office who have received donations from the Human Rights Campaign, (see here) an organization that used millions of dollars from Paul Singer to finance a campaign of terror against women and children of same-sex couples, in collaboration with GLAAD and Jeremy Hooper:

Maloney, Sean Patrick (D-NY)House$15,685
Barber, Ron (D-AZ)House$10,000
Bera, Ami (D-CA)House$10,000
Bishop, Timothy H (D-NY)House$10,000
Brownley, Julia (D-CA)House$10,000
Bustos, Cheri (D-IL)House$10,000
Capps, Lois (D-CA)House$10,000
Graham, Gwen (D-FL)House$10,000
Kirkpatrick, Ann (D-AZ)House$10,000
Kuster, Ann Mclane (D-NH)House$10,000
Maffei, Dan (D-NY)House$10,000
Shea-Porter, Carol (D-NH)House$10,000
Sink, Alex (D-FL)House$10,000
Callis, Ann (D-IL)House$9,250
Udall, Mark (D-CO)Senate$9,077
Begich, Mark (D-AK)Senate$8,477
Coons, Chris (D-DE)Senate$8,400
Honda, Mike (D-CA)House$7,567
Merkley, Jeff (D-OR)Senate$7,500
Nunn, Michelle (D-GA)Senate$7,458
Renteria, Amanda (D-CA)House$7,250
Markey, Ed (D-MA)Senate$7,025
Aiken, Clay (D-NC)House$7,000
Appel, Staci (D-IA)House$7,000
Belgard, Aimee (D-NJ)House$7,000
Byrnes, Pam (D-MI)House$7,000
Cain, Emily (D-ME)House$7,000
Eldridge, Sean (D-NY)House$7,000
Esty, Elizabeth (D-CT)House$7,000
Foust, John (D-VA)House$7,000
Garcia, Joe (D-FL)House$7,000
Kohn, Erin Bilbray (D-NV)House$7,000
Landrieu, Mary L (D-LA)Senate$7,000
Lara, Rocky (D-NM)House$7,000
Lewis, John (D-MT)House$7,000
Murphy, Pat (D-IA)House$7,000
Murphy, Patrick E (D-FL)House$7,000
Recchia, Domenic (D-NY)House$7,000
Ruiz, Raul (D-CA)House$7,000
Schneider, Brad (D-IL)House$7,000
Trivedi, Manan (D-PA)House$7,000
Sinema, Kyrsten (D-AZ)House$6,816
Peters, Gary (D-MI)House$6,699
Braley, Bruce (D-IA)House$6,500
DelBene, Suzan (D-WA)House$6,000
Hanna, Richard (R-NY)House$6,000
Hoyer, Steny H (D-MD)House$6,000
Peters, Scott (D-CA)House$6,000
Shaheen, Jeanne (D-NH)Senate$6,000
Tierney, John F (D-MA)House$6,000
Pocan, Mark (D-WI)House$5,250
Hagan, Kay R (D-NC)Senate$5,135
Sciortino, Carl (D-MA)House$5,100
Aguilar, Pete (D-CA)House$5,000
Collins, Susan M (R-ME)Senate$5,000
Conyers, John Jr (D-MI)House$5,000
Enyart, William (D-IL)House$5,000
Jensen, Elisabeth (D-KY)House$5,000
Kirk, Mark (R-IL)Senate$5,000
Obermueller, Mike (D-MN)House$5,000
Pelosi, Nancy (D-CA)House$5,000
Rice, Kathleen (D-NY)House$5,000
Robertson, Martha (D-NY)House$5,000
Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana (R-FL)House$5,000
Warner, Mark (D-VA)Senate$5,000
Woolf, Aaron (D-NY)House$5,000
Nolan, Rick (D-MN)House$4,500
Takano, Mark (D-CA)House$4,000
Udall, Tom (D-NM)Senate$4,000
Rangel, Charles B (D-NY)House$3,500


Number of major gay rights organizations that have come forward to admonish Paul Singer, Ty Cobb, Chad Griffin, Jeremy Hooper, GLAAD, and the Human Rights Campaign for their campaign of terror against women and children of same-sex couples:


Thank you. I am glad we know who you are.

Sad Courageous Decision for North Carolina Judge

N.C. Judge Resigns Rather Than Perform Same-sex “Marriages”
A longtime North Carolina judge has resigned his position rather than be forced to perform same-sex marriages against his Christian convictions. Swain County Magistrate Judge Gilbert Breedlove, in office since 1990, resigned October 20, citing the October federal court ruling that struck down North Carolina's voter-passed constitutional amendment defining marriage as only between a man and a woman.
“It was my only option,” the 57-year-old Breedlove told the Asheville, N.C., Citizen-Times newspaper. “We were directed we had to perform the marriages, and that was just something I couldn't do because of my religious beliefs.”

Read more here

Bobby's Latest at American Thinker

Fighting Back against LGBT Fascism: What You Can Do
Since the story broke about the Human Rights Campaign's slanderous persecution of the very people their group was designed to protect – bisexuals and children of same-sex couples – I have received a great deal of support from people. 
While it was nerve-wracking to have the truth about the 26 months of harassment by GLAAD, the Human Rights Campaign, Scott Rosenzweig, Jeremy Hooper, and a host of other totalitarians circulate at my job, it has been healthy.  My colleagues and students had no idea about the extent of this campaign of suppression, censorship, and harassment.  Now they know the truth behind those equals-sign bumper stickers.

Read more: 

New York couple want to VOID adoption

A New York couple has asked a judge to void the adoption of their two Russian-born children because they suffer from serious mental disorders.
The parents, whose names have not been revealed, adopted the youngsters, then aged six and eight, via Spence-Chapin in New York and Cradle of Hope in Maryland in 2008.
Although the children were reportedly described by the agencies as 'healthy and socially well-adjusted' siblings, it soon became clear they suffered from medical and psychiatric problems.

Read more:

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The worst idea ever conceived -- sell Bryan Singer your child for a million dollars

This should be the source of major outrage:

Bryan Singer, famous for organizing pool orgies overloaded with vulnerable teenage boys, is paying his friend (possibly) a million dollars to bear him a child.

Surrogacy is bad, but this is REALLY bad.

This is the billionaire who financed the campaign to destroy my life

Read this about Paul Singer.

He gave millions to the Human Rights Campaign to launch their global media initiative.

The HRC then used the money to pay character assassins, formed on the mold of Jeremy Hooper (mastermind of GLAAD's infamous Orwellian Commentator Accountability Project). The HRC had people working full-time scouring everything I've written or said, in order to smear me.

Why? Because Paul Singer's son is gay and I am a bisexual son of lesbians with a story that undermines the consensus on same-sex parenting, which in turn undermines the case for same-sex marriage.

So I must be destroyed by Paul Singer, with the help of the horrible Human Rights Campaign

Unsuccessful at finding real dirt on me, the HRC, Jeremy Hooper, and GLAAD had to resort to filthy slander. First, financing an artist to draw a sketch of me, caricaturing my face as a wanted criminal.

Then, they resorted to lifting endless quotations from my blog that were so out-of-context, they were essentially slanderous misquotes. Notice how these organizations like to mention that I testified in Minnesota, but then they never actually provide the text of what I said in Minnesota. Here is what I said:

Chairman, Representatives, thank you. I have spent forty years in the LGBT community because I was raised by a lesbian with the help of her female partner and I came out as bisexual over 20 years ago.

I only have two minutes here and can't begin to address the many reasons that we need to slow down. Doug Mainwaring and I have founded the SEFA or Site for Ethical Family Alternatives, which we are launching to bring together LGBT voices from left and right to have the debate that hasn't taken place yet. We've had screaming from religious objectors to homosexuality and from LGBT activists who feel they have earned property rights to children.

We haven't heard from leftists about the social-justice concerns of international exploitation through surrogacy contracts on poor women in the Third World, Thirteenth-Amendment violation in the buying and selling of children to meet a market demand for gay parenting, or the social inequality that gay marriage may worsen among LGBTs.

We haven't heard from children's rights advocates about children's rights to a father and mother, how this law will encourage more divorce among fragile mixed-orientation marriages, or the extent to which legalizing gay marriage will transform children from free citizens entrusted to those who conceived them, into the property of adults who acquire them.

We need more time. There is no rush. Let's stop this rush toward same-sex marriage and have the full debate, so we don't do something that will have unintended collateral damage, especially on children.

I know about unintended consequences. I watched many friends die of AIDs in the 1990s, something that was unforeseen when people radically transformed sexual culture in the 1970s. We need more time to make sure that same-sex marriage won't make things worse. Thank you.

Notice how this statement is not a hateful condemnation of homosexuals or gay parents. It is a plea to "slow down". It isn't even an open-ended refusal to consider gay marriage.

But the HRC mentions this speech, then pairs it with quotes taken from obscure posts on my blog that sound horrible out of context. 

Because even this mangling and misquoting of my words did not work, the HRC then took to openly lying about me, hoping that Paul Singer's money would shield them from a backlash.

Here are three basic facts:

1) I was not "involved" with the Mark Regnerus study. I commented about it after it was published, but I was no more "involved" with it than were the 200 sociologists who condemned Regnerus.

2) I never attended or spoke at National Organization for Marriage events, including the "March for Marriage" events of 2013 and 2014. I am not part of NOM and do not agree with all of their policy points. For instance, I support civil unions for gay couples. I do agree with them about a child's right to a mother and father.

3) I have no connection to the World Congress of Families.

I am not condemning Regnerus, NOM, or the World Congress of Families. I will not be drawn into a game of being forced to state support of or denounce groups that HRC wants to play a political game of divide and conquer with.

But facts are facts. 

Here is what the Human Rights Campaign has claimed about me:

1) The HRC claims falsely that I was involved with the Mark Regnerus Study. (See " and the page "who was involved.")

2) The HRC claims falsely that I spoke at NOM March for Marriage rallies. (See HRC's online "Exporters of Hate" report.)

3) The HRC claims falsely that I am one of the members of the World Congress of Families and signed a petition with them against Chad Griffin. (This was in an October 6 email sent to all HRC members.) Juxtaposed with my name is also the reference to the HRC's efforts in Uganda, Russia, and Brunei -- all countries I have never visited and whose policies I have publicly criticized or repudiated.

Stage 1 is insinuation
Stage 2 is misquoting
Stage 3 is slander

This is what Paul Singer paid for. He essentially spent millions to take me out and destroy me. 

Screw Paul Singer.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

An epic piece on adoption -- a must read

This is excellent:

You have to read the whole thing. I suggest you bookmark it.

We've been through this cycle of bad idea upon bad idea before -- with adoption. This piece from Gazillion voices explains it thoroughly.

La Joie de Vivre 4:6 -- A British Reaction to the Exporters of Hate Report of Sept. 16

SamJohnson, London

Here's my reaction to claims a handful of Americans are 'exporters of hate'. [See here for background on the Human Rights Campaign's recent missives naming ROL, among others as "exporters of hate" for traveling to Britain.]

What's with this 'Exporters of Hate' crap anyway? We don't need ignorant patronising Americans like HRC to tell us what to think. On this subject we already have large majorities opposed to homofascism who have never even heard of the people on HRC's 'hate exporter' list. How dare the ignorant bigots at HRC interfere in our business? 83% of the UK's 2012 SSM consultation respondents were against SSM, and Cameron had to remove 550,000 votes on a bogus technicality to squeeze himself a tiny majority. We'll get him out at the next election. The streets of every major city in France have had hundreds of thousands protesting against the removal of the family by Frankfurt School laws, and this has been going on for nearly two years now. They will kick Hollande out too. We all see gender theory, queer theory, SSM and all these other bigoted toxins as the real US hate imports. They have been forced on us by deception and trickery. It is GLAAD, HRC and Obama who are the hate pushers. Like most American cultural exports, TV, Mass Marketing, Napalm, Chewing Gum, they are deeply damaging social disrupters that undermine the integrity of the human. As Freud said: 'America is big. A big mistake'. Just look at the impact America's appetite for narcotics has had on its southern neighbours.

Friday, October 24, 2014

For what it is worth, I do not believe the blogger at Good as You actually raids people's panty drawers!

I can just see this spiraling out of control. So let me make this clear -- I do not have any reason to believe that Jeremy Hooper actually looks in other people's panty drawers. I think he does go looking through irrelevant records people leave online in order to misrepresent and scandalize people, but I have no reason to believe that he looks at their panties.

I hope that clears things up. Let's move on.

By the way, "raiding people's panty drawers" is a metaphor

Just in case someone claims, from a tweet that went out just now, that I am literally accusing a gay blogger of raiding people's panty drawers, I am not. Okay?

When I say "report from raiding people's panty drawers" I mean to say, people who spend all day digging through other people's writing and online traces, not to engage in discussion, but to find little scandals to embarrass the person.

This use of metaphor may be challenging for some, so I wanted to post this explanation.

Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Powerful, Well-Funded, LGBT Activists Target Private Citizens published an article exposing HRC's tactics towards those who disagree.  

Robert O. Lopez is openly bisexual, although he has a wife and two children. Raised by lesbian parents, the Cal State-Northridge English professor advocates civil unions and foster parenting for homosexual couples. But because he opposes homosexual couples raising children of their own, he has been blacklisted by pro-LGBT organizations like the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and GLAAD. 

Read more here

-Here is another one from the Daily Signal exposing the same story.

Having a baby is supposed to be one of the happiest moments of your life. But for Bobby Lopez, an unusual figure in the marriage debate, it was a day overshadowed by fear.

His wife was in labor with their second child when Lopez received hateful phone calls and emails from LGBT rights activists.


Because two days prior, the Human Rights Campaign—a political action group whose mission is to “achieve equality” for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans—put out its latest blast email in a campaign called “The Export of Hate.”

Its main “exporter” that day: Robert “Bobby” Oscar Lopez.

Read more here
-Yet another report on the main story here
-And finally here is Bobby's response in First Things:
I am a professor of English and Classics at Cal State-Northridge, where I began teaching in 2008 after earning my doctorate in English and MA in Classics from SUNY. I specialize in American literature and published a scholarly study of American writers and conservatism in 2011.

On August 6, 2012, I published an essay in Public Discourse, entitled “Growing Up with Two Moms.” It described my life growing up with a lesbian mother and her partner.

 Read more here

Interview on 9/6

Denise Shick and I both did interviews with this announcer on 9/6 (scroll down):

I think I was in good form here.

Gestation pour autrui: le rôle ambigu des juges

22.10.14 - Les décisions des tribunaux suisses, français et européens semblent nous rapprocher d’une autorisation de la gestation pour autrui (GPA). Au nom de l’intérêt de l’enfant. A raison ou à tort? 

Lire le reste ici

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Puerto Rico Believes in Marriage

A judge upheld traditional marriage in Puerto Rico today.

Gay marriage may be sweeping the nation, but in Puerto Rico it remains against the law.

A federal district judge late Tuesday rejected the reasoning used in at least 14 other decisions and said his hands were tied by a 1972 Supreme Court ruling that upheld a Minnesota same-sex marriage ban "for want of a substantial federal question."

The rest here: USA TODAY

And from Breitbart here

I Wonder if Anyone Has Ever Heard of This Kind of Stuff: Killed for Refusing Gay Advances

It's like, it's like the Matthew Shepard story backwards.   Oh but wait . . . didn't one of Matthew's killer have sex with Matt??  I am confused . . .

Police have managed to solve the mystery of Keraniganj madrasa student Abu Raihan’s killing, confirming that he was killed for his refusal to a homosexual advance from the Madrasa's chef.
Police recovered the slit-throat body of Abu Raihan from the Tahfizul Nurani Hafezi Madrasa's kitchen on Monday.
Raihan was a residential student of the madrasa, situated at Aganagar in South Keraniganj of Dhaka.
More here

America Besieged by Gay Activists

Gina Miller
Read the whole column here

Or listen to it here

At this point, only the most deceived or grossly uninformed among us do not realize that a devilish enemy regime has taken over our nation. Under Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) we have seen unprecedented lawlessness from the executive branch of the federal government. The laundry list of Obama and company's malfeasance and arguably impeachable offenses continues to grow.

Perhaps the most diabolical advancement of Obama's tyrannical, anti-American agenda is in the area of the radical homosexual movement. From militant homosexual activists, we have seen a full-frontal assault on the rights of Christians and others who oppose the campaign to force on America the acceptance of special "rights" for sexual deviants and the destruction of the definition of marriage. We have seen Obama load his administration with open homosexuals. He has appointed them to federal courts. He has overseen the repeal of the prohibition on homosexuals openly serving in our military. He has used his Justice Department to ignore federal law that correctly defined marriage.

Rome's Mayor Registers Foreign Gay Marriages Despite Italian Law

From Chrétienté

21 octobre 2014

Quand le maire de Rome s’inspire de la circulaire Taubira

Le maire de Rome, Ignazio Marino (gauche), a enregistré samedi seize « mariages » d’hommes et de femmes homosexuels conclus à l’étranger, alors que la loi italienne n’autorise pas le pseudo mariage homosexuel. (AFP)
Rome's mayor Marino  registered Saturday 16 homosexual "marriages" contracted abroad while Italian Law forbids pseudo homosexual "marriage"
« Les couples, accompagnés de leurs familles et parfois de jeunes enfants, sont venus les uns après les autres pour faire transcrire leur union dans les registres des mariages de la ville. M. Marino a qualifié ces enregistrements de simples actes d’état civil.
"Couples accompanied by their families and sometimes their young children came one after the other to transcribe their unions in the city's marriage records.  Mr. Marino has simply qualified these registrations as simple registrar's acts. 
Le préfecture de Rome a aussitôt réagi en appelant à annuler ces enregistrements, qui sont illégaux et non valides selon la loi italienne, le mariage gay n’étant pas reconnu. » …
Rome's prefecture has immediately reacted by asking these registrations to be cancelled since they are illegal and not valid according to Italian law since gay marriage is not recognized."

La circulaire Taubira pour la reconnaissance en France des bébés nés à l’étranger par GPA, alors que la loi l’interdit, a dû donner des idées au maire de Rome, qui a accommodé sauce italienne le contournement de la loi. Après tout, pourquoi se gêner; l’expérience prouve que l’on ne risque rien…
The Taubira Memo (that recognized babies in France who had beed born abroad through surrogacy while the French law forbids the practice) must have given some ideas to Rome's mayor who facilitated this circumvention of the law.  After all why bother, from experience one knows that there is no risk  . . .

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Everybody who gets money from or gives money to GLAAD or the Human Rights Campaign must watch this video and answer these questions

What every LGBT "ally" needs to know from Robert Lopez on Vimeo.

This Lesbian's Daughter Has Had Enough

Our friend and ally has a new piece on American Thinker.

My name is Rivka Edelman, and I am the product of same-sex parenting.

Recently I published an essay on Public Discourse about the ruthless misogyny that pervades LBGT culture. I pointed out it that it can and will victimize women and children with impunity and then, in America’s narcissistic fugue, get hailed as brave and heroic.

. . .

Read more: here

Sunday, October 19, 2014

La Joie de Vivre 4:5 The discussion we need to have, versus the discussion ligbitist activists want us to have

Enough of Food Fights


I wonder how much of America is tiring of the term "anti-gay" being applied to every single person who disagrees with the policy demands of specific organizations like the Human Rights Campaign and GLAAD. I know that I, personally, am constantly labeled anti-gay because I believe children have a right to a mom and a dad. This labeling practice is incredibly insulting to gay people. It presumes that just because you are gay you automatically think surrogacy in all forms is okay, even when it is human trafficking and/or modern slavery. The impact on women's health, the toll this takes on society's collective sense of social justice, and the effect on children who are defined as chattel all has to take a back seat to the narrow interests of people who have appointed themselves the overlord of all gay people. And gay people who question this are dismissed or silenced.

Why do gay people put up with this? Well, some don't. There are gay people who resist the ideological meat grinder and say, "I'm gay and I'm not okay with selling children." But these people will never get on TV. And that's the problem.

I just saw videoclips from Sunday morning talk shows where people were debating same-sex marriage. I am not going to name names -- there is already too much ad hominem in our discourse. I will speak generally about what I saw.

I saw people who say they are for "gay rights" rehashing old and boring talking points in fruitless stunt fights against people who think homosexuality is a mortal sin against Christ.

You know what? That's the discussion people from HRC and GLAAD want to have. They love debating against Christian proselytizers. They love bringing up Leviticus, Westboro Baptist Church, and "God Hates Fag" signs. Their dream is to be able to bring up gay teens who killed themselves after being forced to attend fundamentalist churches.... forever.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Really great critique of the Cheerios advertisement about adoption

The Cheerios ad about which Frank Ligtvoet wrote a fantastic piece in the Huffington Post continues to spark insightful commentary from people. Aside from the offensiveness of using an adoption story as a way to sell cereal (???), there is the severe problem that the commercial seamlessly indoctrinates the audience to link tolerance for gay people to disdain for poor mothers of color who are separated painfully from their children by social services. Read here:

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Don de sperme qui tourne mal

Immonde : un couple de lesbiennes, qui avait eu recours à une PMA en utilisant la semence vendue par une banque de sperme, a porté plainte contre l’établissement, car la petite fillette née de cette pratique est métisse. Les bébés sur catalogue, c’est maintenant !

Cet affaire révélée par le Chicago Tribune illustre à merveille la folie d’un monde consumériste, où avoir un bébé est devenu un droit élémentaire.

En lire plus ici