How to Secede in Business

Our nation could not have come into existence without the religious belief systems of the colonial  period.  The survival of our nation is dependent upon the vigorous continuation of those same belief systems.

There seems to be a widely held assumption that America as a functional constitutional republic is kaput.  People are prepping for sundry civil wars, crashes, plagues, and famines.  But even if those calamities eventuate, the republic could be reinvigorated.  We just need an action plan that leverages our innate love of freedom and moral intelligence.  Here's an idea that could reverse the disastrous path our nation is on and make freedom fun again: establish the NAARP, the RPTA, and the RPNU.

The National Association for the Advancement of Religious People (NAARP)

The NAARP would be a political action and advocacy organization that promotes, supports, and defends the political views of religious American people.  The NAARP would be an "oather" group:

I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of membership in the National Association for the Advancement of Religious People. So help me God.

The NAARP would do everything possible to degrade and destroy the political, economic, and moral  structures that have weakened our rights secured by the Constitution, that have denied the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death, and that have undermined the unique value of man-woman sanctified marriage as the best foundation for American society.  In short, the purpose of the NAARP would be to defeat the forces that have weakened the Christian religious moral code.

Except for national defense, the NAARP would work against government control and in favor of reprivatization of every aspect of American economy and life.

The NAARP would be an English-only organization that recognizes bilingualism as a threat to the Republic.  It  would oppose the use of foreign language in government and avoid businesses that enable the use of foreign language in American commerce.

Membership in the NAARP would be open to any American citizen as defined by the Constitution who identified as religious and pledged to fulfill the oath and and to restore honor and religiously based morality to every aspect of American life.  Annual dues would be $100, some of which would support the security of Israel.  This will self-select away Islamics and the encroachment of sharia law.  No financial aid would be available.  If you won’t pony up $100 to save America, with young people laying down their lives across the world, you don’t deserve to join.

The NAARP would not set standards regarding what constitutes a "religious" person.  The NAARP founding documents would use the term "God" but contain no language respecting a particular church.  NAARP proceedings would allow silent prayer but would not promote any particular religion.

The NAARP would emphasize enlightened discrimination.  NAARP members would understand that “inclusiveness” that contradicts one’s morality should be resisted.  The capacity to nonviolently and creatively discriminate against persons, institutions, businesses and other entities that violate the principles of the NAARP is the only way to save our nation.

The NAARP would be composed of chapters throughout the land.  The NAARP would work through the political system.  It would also use nonviolent civil disobedience and resistance, strikes, stoppages, and boycotts.  The NAARP would wield an extremely valuable seal of approval granted to businesses that uphold its founding ideals.

The malevolence afoot to destroy the Republic is everywhere.  All Americans of conscience and decency are aggrieved by the suppression of religious liberty, the refusal of the government to maintain  borders, all the harm that is being done to this beloved nation.  Americans suffer every day from what's going on.

Here is a story I was told this very week, given as one of countless examples of how the NAARP could save America.

I have a friend who whittles wooden artifacts.  He took his wares to an arts festival last weekend.  The beautiful fall foliage was out, and so were the thugs.  A crowd of young people, mainly black teenagers, was harassing him, leaning on his vehicle.  Four of his pieces were stolen.  The cops watched and did nothing to protect him or any of the other vendors.  He finally unconcealed his weapon and told the young people he would “shoot their asses” if they didn’t return what they had stolen.  They did, and then they left.

The NAARP would reprivatize and revolutionize every aspect of American life.  In this example, across America, arts fairs would be held on private land, at private facilities, and restricted to members of the NAARP, protected by private arms.  The government has no business funding art.

The Religious Parent Teacher Association (RPTA)

The RPTA is similar in constitution and function to the NAARP.  It would be open to public and homeschooling religious parents.  It would empower discrimination against the forces that have brought moral rot, dumbing down, and socialist mind control to public education at every level.  The RPTA would be an oather organization as well, and be patriotic.  The RPTA would enable teachers who love the Republic and have the necessary courage to change the system from within.  The RPTA would be an English-only organization.

The central goal of the RPTA is to degrade and destroy teachers' unions.  The RPTA would work through the political system.  It also would use nonviolent civil disobedience and resistance, strikes, stoppages, and boycotts.  Here's an example.  If a public school system mandates “both-sex” bathrooms or some transgendered variant that disrespects the morality and beliefs of the majority of American parents, teachers would go on strike, and parents would keep their children home.

Religious Physicians and Nurses Union (RPNU)

The RPNU would be a preferred provider network of religious physicians, nurses, and other medical professionals.  Membership in the RPNU is based on the highest standards of professional qualification and achievement.  RPNU members would practice the healing arts in the belief that because life is a gift from God, it is sacred from the moment of conception to natural death.

The RPNU would be an oather organization and be patriotic.  The RPNU would be an English-only organization.  Its members would accept no Medicare, Medicaid, or government money of any kind.  The RPNU would be incorporated as a private non-profit, and would accept charitable contributions.  Patients of RPNU providers would also be members of the organization, and be committed to its ideals.

These organizations in this essay are speculative.  But they do not have to be.  The challenge is that religious people are not, by conditioning and nature, activist agents of societal change.  Revolutionary people tend to self-select out of religious groups.  Religious Americans have become too comfortable, brainwashed, and self-hating to fight back against anti-God forces.  But religious Americans still hold the moral, economic and political power in America.  If they will just use it.

Our nation could not have come into existence without the religious belief systems of the colonial  period.  The survival of our nation is dependent upon the vigorous continuation of those same belief systems.

There seems to be a widely held assumption that America as a functional constitutional republic is kaput.  People are prepping for sundry civil wars, crashes, plagues, and famines.  But even if those calamities eventuate, the republic could be reinvigorated.  We just need an action plan that leverages our innate love of freedom and moral intelligence.  Here's an idea that could reverse the disastrous path our nation is on and make freedom fun again: establish the NAARP, the RPTA, and the RPNU.

The National Association for the Advancement of Religious People (NAARP)

The NAARP would be a political action and advocacy organization that promotes, supports, and defends the political views of religious American people.  The NAARP would be an "oather" group:

I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of membership in the National Association for the Advancement of Religious People. So help me God.

The NAARP would do everything possible to degrade and destroy the political, economic, and moral  structures that have weakened our rights secured by the Constitution, that have denied the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death, and that have undermined the unique value of man-woman sanctified marriage as the best foundation for American society.  In short, the purpose of the NAARP would be to defeat the forces that have weakened the Christian religious moral code.

Except for national defense, the NAARP would work against government control and in favor of reprivatization of every aspect of American economy and life.

The NAARP would be an English-only organization that recognizes bilingualism as a threat to the Republic.  It  would oppose the use of foreign language in government and avoid businesses that enable the use of foreign language in American commerce.

Membership in the NAARP would be open to any American citizen as defined by the Constitution who identified as religious and pledged to fulfill the oath and and to restore honor and religiously based morality to every aspect of American life.  Annual dues would be $100, some of which would support the security of Israel.  This will self-select away Islamics and the encroachment of sharia law.  No financial aid would be available.  If you won’t pony up $100 to save America, with young people laying down their lives across the world, you don’t deserve to join.

The NAARP would not set standards regarding what constitutes a "religious" person.  The NAARP founding documents would use the term "God" but contain no language respecting a particular church.  NAARP proceedings would allow silent prayer but would not promote any particular religion.

The NAARP would emphasize enlightened discrimination.  NAARP members would understand that “inclusiveness” that contradicts one’s morality should be resisted.  The capacity to nonviolently and creatively discriminate against persons, institutions, businesses and other entities that violate the principles of the NAARP is the only way to save our nation.

The NAARP would be composed of chapters throughout the land.  The NAARP would work through the political system.  It would also use nonviolent civil disobedience and resistance, strikes, stoppages, and boycotts.  The NAARP would wield an extremely valuable seal of approval granted to businesses that uphold its founding ideals.

The malevolence afoot to destroy the Republic is everywhere.  All Americans of conscience and decency are aggrieved by the suppression of religious liberty, the refusal of the government to maintain  borders, all the harm that is being done to this beloved nation.  Americans suffer every day from what's going on.

Here is a story I was told this very week, given as one of countless examples of how the NAARP could save America.

I have a friend who whittles wooden artifacts.  He took his wares to an arts festival last weekend.  The beautiful fall foliage was out, and so were the thugs.  A crowd of young people, mainly black teenagers, was harassing him, leaning on his vehicle.  Four of his pieces were stolen.  The cops watched and did nothing to protect him or any of the other vendors.  He finally unconcealed his weapon and told the young people he would “shoot their asses” if they didn’t return what they had stolen.  They did, and then they left.

The NAARP would reprivatize and revolutionize every aspect of American life.  In this example, across America, arts fairs would be held on private land, at private facilities, and restricted to members of the NAARP, protected by private arms.  The government has no business funding art.

The Religious Parent Teacher Association (RPTA)

The RPTA is similar in constitution and function to the NAARP.  It would be open to public and homeschooling religious parents.  It would empower discrimination against the forces that have brought moral rot, dumbing down, and socialist mind control to public education at every level.  The RPTA would be an oather organization as well, and be patriotic.  The RPTA would enable teachers who love the Republic and have the necessary courage to change the system from within.  The RPTA would be an English-only organization.

The central goal of the RPTA is to degrade and destroy teachers' unions.  The RPTA would work through the political system.  It also would use nonviolent civil disobedience and resistance, strikes, stoppages, and boycotts.  Here's an example.  If a public school system mandates “both-sex” bathrooms or some transgendered variant that disrespects the morality and beliefs of the majority of American parents, teachers would go on strike, and parents would keep their children home.

Religious Physicians and Nurses Union (RPNU)

The RPNU would be a preferred provider network of religious physicians, nurses, and other medical professionals.  Membership in the RPNU is based on the highest standards of professional qualification and achievement.  RPNU members would practice the healing arts in the belief that because life is a gift from God, it is sacred from the moment of conception to natural death.

The RPNU would be an oather organization and be patriotic.  The RPNU would be an English-only organization.  Its members would accept no Medicare, Medicaid, or government money of any kind.  The RPNU would be incorporated as a private non-profit, and would accept charitable contributions.  Patients of RPNU providers would also be members of the organization, and be committed to its ideals.

These organizations in this essay are speculative.  But they do not have to be.  The challenge is that religious people are not, by conditioning and nature, activist agents of societal change.  Revolutionary people tend to self-select out of religious groups.  Religious Americans have become too comfortable, brainwashed, and self-hating to fight back against anti-God forces.  But religious Americans still hold the moral, economic and political power in America.  If they will just use it.