Weekend Challenge: Convey a Color - ROYGB(I)V

Hey there, multicolored millions,

This weekend, we're asking you to show us your interpretation of the visible spectrum — create a video inspired by ROYGB(I)V! You'll need to show or portray each of the six (or seven) colors in the rainbow with at least six (or seven) shots, but feel free to use more if hue feel inspired.

As always, there are many ways to look at this Challenge. Consider using a theme; how does each color make you feel? What does it mean? How would you express the color if you weren't showing it? Get on the outside of that box! For a bit of inspiration, take a look at (and listen to) this video all about red by Sequentia:

While you're looking for your colors, remember that there's room to play with shooting techniques. An easy way to shake up your video is to vary your shots; we suggest combining macro, medium, and wide shots!

The Rules:

+ Create a video that showcases each of the 6 (or 7) colors of the spectrum, using/portraying/hinting at each color at least once. Remember that only videos made specifically for this Challenge will be considered.

+ Keep your video under one minute in length.

+ If you add music, make sure you use a song you or a buddy created, or something from the Vimeo Music Store! If you do choose to use a Music Store song, please throw a link in the description.

+ Add this blurb at the end of your video's description: "Created for the Weekend Challenge: vimeo.com/groups/weekendchallenge"

+ Upload and post your video to the Weekend Challenge Group by ***Tuesday, August 12th, 2014*** at 11:59 PM (EST). Just follow the screenshots below:

All videos must be approved by the Vimeo Staff before appearing in the Group, so don't worry if your video doesn't show up at first; we'll get to it!

The Prizes:

+ The winner will receive a Challenge badge on their video, and free Vimeo Plus account for one year! If you're already a Plus member, you'll get another year tacked on to the end of your current subscription.

+ The runner-up will receive an extra 3GB of upload space in their weekly quota!

Ready for a challenge?

Create a video to showcase all 6 (or 7) colors of the spectrum!

Accept this challenge



Vitor Guerreiro

Vitor Guerreiro

can I use animation and/or VFXor CGI in this one?



How are these challenges decided? Is it just a matter of who gets the most likes?

Cameron Christopher

Cameron Christopher Staff

We watch them all here at Vimeo HQ and have a complicated process involving pug puppies, a little dancing, and lots of vibes.

Russ Anthony 411

Russ Anthony 411 Plus

Not to be picky, but I assume that the pug puppies have the appropriate American Kennel Club multimedia certifications?

Andrea Kovačević

Andrea Kovačević

Just a question :) should I use six shots for one color then six shots for the other and so on..or can I use only six shots to show the whole ROYGBV? (like one shot one color)

Cameron Christopher

Cameron Christopher Staff

It's one-shot-per-color minimum, which adds up to six. If you want to use more shots of a certain color, or all the colors, you're welcome to do that!

Lea Balboa

Lea Balboa

Is it ok for me to partly use video material I've already shot ( during vacations mostly )? Back then I had no purpose for it and I have not used it or edited it yet but some of it would fit for this project. Or should it be all new shot stuff?



This is usually accepted in these Vimeo Weekend Challenges so I don't see why it wouldn't be allowed in this one.

Katherine D. Reaves

Katherine D. Reaves Plus

Okay! This is more fun than a barrel of monkeys. Mine is not very out-of-the-box-y but we are leaving on vacation tomorrow and I am so not taking my computer. Everyone's videos are awesome. Why does this not scare me? Normally I'd be way too intimidated to share with such talented folks. Great idea! Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun. Good luck, everybody!

Cameron Christopher

Cameron Christopher Staff

So glad to hear you weren't too intimidated! The Weekend Challenges is a perfect way to stretch those filmmaking muscles and try new things :)



I have upload my first video for the weekend challenge. do I did it right?
alone - Weekend Challenge: Convey a Color - ROYGB(I)V

do I have to do something more?

thank you

IraLee Nesbitt

IraLee Nesbitt Plus

I uploaded mine on Monday... hasn't been added to the group... not sure what's going on.

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Lesson Summary

Show off your spectrum with a video all about color.

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