
North Texans for Natural Gas is a grassroots organization that aims to give a voice to those who support natural gas. We are proud of all that natural gas has done for our community and the significant benefits it brings to our economy, schools, and neighborhoods.

North Texans for Natural Gas will be celebrating and telling the story of these benefits through social media and our community’s own stories across mediums both online and throughout the region.

There is a small but vocal opposition that uses the Internet to spread fear and bad information. We’re going to proactively work to educate and advance the huge success that the natural gas revolution continues to be for Texas.

We would love your help! With over 5 million people in the Barnett Shale region on Facebook, there’s an opportunity to get involved right now by joining our community with a simple click of the mouse.


The Barnett Shale is powering progress at a time when America needs it most. The Barnett has created more than 100,000 area jobs. And while cities across America are facing dramatic budget shortfalls, it’s generating millions in tax revenue for North Texas communities and schools.

The Barnett Shale is one of the largest producing natural gas fields in America, with nearly 40 trillion cubic feet of resources – enough to power Texas homes for more than 140 years. And it has the potential to greatly increase our domestic supplies and strengthen America's energy security.

As citizens of North Texas and stewards of this remarkable resource, we’re striving to maximize its benefits for everyone. It is our mission to conserve natural gas for good use – and are committed to doing so in an environmentally responsible manner. It’s why we’re minimizing our impact every step of the way, and working tirelessly to protect our air, water and land.

We all live here. And we each have a stake in ensuring all progress is positive in the Barnett Shale.