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Paxton opponents seek to revive failed legal battles


State Sen. Ken Paxton, R-McKinney

State Sen. Ken Paxton, R-McKinney

AUSTIN – Republican nominee for attorney general Ken Paxton‘s opponents are seeking to keep his past violations of state securities law in the spotlight ahead of Tuesday’s election, filing new grievances with the Texas Bar and seeking to depose state officials.

With less than a week before he’s likely to be elected Texas’ next attorney general, Paxton and his campaign called the efforts a “desperate attempt” to hurt the state senator’s chances while opponents pledged to continue their legal battles after his election.

“It’s a last hope to help a failing campaign,” Paxton spokesman Anthony Holm said Tuesday.

Notice of Deposition

In the last week, several legal developments have surfaced related to the late-April revelation that Paxton repeatedly solicited investment clients for his friend and business associate Frederick “Fritz” Mowery without being properly registered with the state, a violation of state securities law. At that time, Paxton was fined $1,000 and reprimanded by the State Securities Board.

The violation became a flashpoint in the Republican primary runoff for attorney general, from which Paxton emerged victorious against state Rep. Dan Branch. It continues to dog Paxton in the general election campaign he’s running against Democrat Sam Houston.


The non-profit Texas Coalition for Lawyer Accountability in September filed suit against the Securities Board, seeking access to documents related to its internal investigation into Paxton’s violation.

The TCLA wanted the documents released before the Nov. 4 election, and filed an emergency motion to disclose them. But on Oct. 23, a Travis County District Judge decided not to grant the request “after considering the pleadings, evidence and argument of counsel.”

Chuck Herring, an Austin attorney acting on behalf of the group, said the TCLA was not deterred by the move since it considered the release of the documents to the judge a small victory in itself. He said the judge could later decide to allow the release of the documents.

In the meantime, the TCLA intends to question a Securities Board official on the investigation. According to the notice of deposition, the TCLA intends to take the oral testimony on Monday, Nov. 1.

Asked if the Securities Board intended to send someone to testify, spokesman Bob Elder declined to comment on the deposition notice or the wider litigation.

Grievance re-hearing

In addition to its lawsuit, the TCLA in August filed a grievance with the State Bar of Texas related to Paxton’s securities act violation. The bar dismissed the grievance, but the group has appealed that ruling, likely triggering a re-hearing of the issue in front of the full Board of Disciplinary Appeals in January.

Claire Mock, spokesperson for the grievance and ethics information section of the State Bar, could not confirm the en banc hearing since she is legally barred from commenting on any disciplinary actions. But she said it’s standard operating procedure for the full board to re-hear an appeal of this kind.

It’s common for grievances to be dismissed for any number of reasons, Mock added. Of the 7,394 grievances filed during fiscal year 2013, nearly 80 percent were dismissed. If the TCLA’s grievance is re-classified as a complaint after its re-hearing, the Board would then undertake a full internal investigation.

If wrongdoing was confirmed, the issue would proceed to trial, either before a private evidentiary panel or district court.

New grievance

On Tuesday, another State Bar grievance was filed against Paxton. This one came from David Goettsche, a Dallas man who, with his wife Teri, sued Paxton five years ago after the couple lost hundreds of thousands in investments they’d made through Fritz Mowery.

In their 2009 suit, the Goettsches said they were unaware Paxton – who they had hired to draw up a post-nuptial agreement and who later advised them to invest with Mowery – was receiving a 30 percent commission on the 2 percent fee collected. They accused Paxton and Mowery of fraud and negligent misrepresentation, and sought to recoup their total loss and then some.

Tthe Goettsches dropped the case after they were made aware they had signed away some of their rights to sue in a binding arbitration agreement. Now, David Goettsche is seeking to revive this legal battle through the State Bar’s disciplinary process. The details of the grievance he filed Tuesday track with the claims in his 2009 suit.

“Teri and I both believed that we could trust Mr. Paxton to give honest, objective, independence advice. If we had known that he would get paid a large percentage of the investment fees that we paid the investment advisor he referred us to, we would not have believed that he was providing objective or independent advice,” Goettsche wrote in the grievance.

“We believe that Mr. Paxton had a severe conflict of interest that he failed to disclose to us. That is not honest and it is not right. It certainly is not what I expect of an ethical lawyer.”

Goettsche also complained that neither Paxton nor Mowery disclosed that the latter was in the process of filing for bankruptcy at the time, and that James “Jim” Moore, III, with whom Mowery suggested the Goettsches invest, had also declared bankruptcy and owed creditors more than $33 million.

Holm questioned the trustworthiness of the Goettsches’ statements and their choice to enlist Herring, whom Holm called a “liberal activist attorney.” Herring has donated heavily to Democratic candidates over the years,  including more than $11,000 this year to Democratic nominee for governor Wendy Davis and $250 to Paxton’s opponent Sam Houston.

“Now, the same lawyer has gone and is representing another person filing a second complaint,” said Paxton. “It’s a desperate act by an attorney with a long history working for Democrats.”

A criminal complaint against Paxton sits with the Public Integrity Unit of the Travis County District Attorney’s Office. The unit will not act on the complaint until after the Nov. 4 election. 

Lauren McGaughy is a reporter in the Houston Chronicle’s Austin bureau. She can be reached at lauren.mcgaughy@chron.com or on Twitter @lmcgaughy.

Lauren McGaughy