VIDEO: "Marie Antoinette" At Stages Repertory Theatre

Emily Neves as Marie Antoinette.
All photos of Emily Neves as Marie Antoinette, by Troy Schulze.

Director Leslie Swackhamer and actress Emily Neves talk about Stages Repertory Theatre's production of David Adjmi's Marie Antoinette. The play juxtaposes contemporary dialogue with period costumes (along with certain anachronistic flourishes) to draw connections between 18th-century France and our present-day, celebrity-obsessed culture. The play runs through November 9 at Stages Repertory Theatre.

Emily Neves as Marie Antoinette.

Emily Neves as Marie Antoinette.

Emily Neves as Marie Antoinette.

Emily Neves as Marie Antoinette.

Tags: arts, home, theatre, stages,


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