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Batteries saxony-anhalt

Published on October 27th, 2014 | by Jake Richardson


30 MW Storage Battery To Be Built In Germany

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October 27th, 2014 by  

The state of Saxony-Anhalt in Germany is investing in electricity storage by developing a 30 MW lithium-ion battery there. It will be built by SK Innovation Co. Ltd., a South Korean company. Saxony-Anhalt is the site of something called the Solar Valley because of the infrastructure there that has been created over the years to support solar power. About €9 billion have been invested since 1991.


Companies such as Innotech Solar, Hanwha Q-Cells, and Enercon have a presence in Saxony-Anhalt. It is only fitting that it would be the site of a 30 MW battery storage project.

“This was just the first step. We have many renewable energy plants here and often generate more electricity than we need. So far that power has been given away, and that’s lost money,” State Premier Reiner Haseloff explained.

Batteries can store electricity generated by solar and wind power when conditions are favorable, so it can be used when they are not. Electricity storage is the second part of the renewable energy solution. By investing in new battery systems, Germany is continuing down the path it started on to shift away from nuclear power.

Coal is still very active, but eventually, as the prices of solar and wind power keep decreasing, they will become even more prevalent. Developing more robust storage capacities will likely make renewables even that much more appealing.

In 2011, it was reported that well over 60% of Saxony-Anhalt’s electricity came from renewable sources, so capturing the excess with battery storage only makes sense.

Saxony-Anhalt can’t be dismissed as an anomaly. Another German state can generate even more of its electricity from renewable sources.

As new batteries are developed and connected to the energy systems in these places, it would appear that there then will be a whole lot of renewable energy in operation. A 5 MW energy storage system recently became operational in Mecklenburg, a northern German state. Creating, launching, and operating a 30 MW storage battery would be a huge accomplishment, relative to other such storage batteries.

Related Story: Is This Company Set To Monopolize A Critical Energy Storage Sub-Sector?

Image: Husky22, Wiki Commons

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Hello, I have been writing online for some time, and enjoy the outdoors. If you like, you can follow me on Google Plus.

  • Chris

    I don’t get it, 30 MW storage capacity?

    Does the author mean 30 MWh? That is a measurement for storage. Or does the author mean they install a battery that can deliver 30 MW of power. FIne, for how long?

    Care to explain?

  • UncleB

    Science seeks electric storage systems now! This is the beginning of a revolution. humanity os only a few large discoveries away from moving to Electricity and ridding the world of Oil wars . . .

  • Ronny

    Plz learn the difference between power and energy.
    “I just upgraded to a 200 horsepower fuel tank”-statements does not make any sense.

  • vensonata

    More details on exactly which kind of “battery” is being used would be welcome.

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