The Making of CitizenFour

Friday, October 17, 2014


Laura Poitras' new film CitizenFour follows the unfolding drama of Edward Snowden as he revealed his evidence of widespread NSA surveillance to Poitras and her reporting partner, Glenn Greenwald, in June of 2013. Brooke speaks with George Packer of the New Yorker, who profiled Poitras as she edited the film in Berlin.

Music: "Prelude 3. Prelude of Light" by John Zorn


George Packer

Hosted by:

Brooke Gladstone

Comments [2]

person in NYC

I don't agree with Mr. Packer's assessment of the ending of the film. It suggests a sequel to come, an even bigger revelation. Hardly a letdown.

Oct. 29 2014 11:46 AM
reporter from Round Lake, IL

This is a typical representative of cottage industry of hacks who see a career opportunity to stick it to few people who made a difference and have legitimacy of their deeds and not rhetoric. The masturbatory presentation of Snowden-Poitress "dilemma" here is not only devoid of facts and knowledge but is a desperate attempt in capitalizing on "controversy" while exposing one's own vanity and stupidity stewed in empty sense of ego. There are always people like that in media who first and foremost internalize power dynamics that HL Mencken so eloquently described in 1921. What is amazing here is that it really doesn't matter what is being "covered" or "exposed", whether NYT's McCarthyism and its witch hunts or 1930s Stalinist Trials regurgitated in Soviet Media , the eager and always available are like cockroaches that feed on words instead of rotten remains which at the end comes out the rear end as fertilizer for the new generations of the same.
FYI, what OTM does not mention that NYT, WP, LA and others were approached by the whistle blowers and were ignored while the "blue chip" media often takes requests from the US Govt and others to kill stories and/or delay them.
Guardian dispatched its senior editor to HK to babysit Greenwald and Poitras as they could not be trusted alone with aka. minder, babysitter,political commissar , take your pick.

Oct. 18 2014 05:02 PM

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