How do I get permission to reprint content from The Washington Post?

How can I get professional reprints of, or permission to use, individual articles or videos?

Go to and complete the relevant forms. You may also e-mail or call 212.221.9595, ext. 210. Please include details about the content you are requesting (headline or url, date of publication) and how you intend to use that content, as well as your contact information.

You generally do not need permission to post a link to content on or to embed videos using Post-provided embed codes.

How can I get permission to use Post photos?

Editorial or commercial licensing requests for Post photos are handled by Getty Images. Visit or contact them at or 800.462.4379.

How can I get reprints of, or permission to use, editorial cartoons or comics?

For Tom Toles cartoons, contact Universal Press Syndicate at 800.255.6734 or

For comic strips or other editorial cartoon reprints and print-on-demand merchandise, visit

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Topic Information
  • Topic #: 15067-302
  • Date Created: 4/2/2010
  • Last Modified Since: 6/17/2013
  • Viewed: 274963