Posts Tagged ‘Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’

Bad Air Day

Around North Texas parks and playgrounds, children are breathing dangerous doses of toxic fumes from gas industry sites.
On a crisp Saturday morning, Delga Park, just north of downtown Fort Worth, was beautiful. The deep blue sky was spattered with cumulus clouds, and birds flitted among shade trees at one end of the park, sandwiched between I-35...

New smog readings for the Metroplex paint a depressing picture. Courtesy Justin Cozart

Notice How Much Cleaner the Air Is?

We didn’t think so.
If air pollution worsens and nobody hears a sound from state regulators, do we still get asthma? OK, so it’s a bad joke, but without Texas’ citizen environmental watchdogs, you’d never know why pilots have visibility prob...


TCEQ Goes Fishin’ For Pollution

Four new air pollution monitors are coming to the Barnett Shale soon, courtesy of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, and drilling critics can’t wait to hear how the air is actually fine and there’s nothing to wo...


Air: It’s also good for breathing

Fort Worth Weekly
Good news, everyone! Texas’ environmental protections could soon raise the bar set by the Roman Empire. That’s because a district court judge ruled last week against the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, which argu...

Drilling Pollution Activists To Meet Tonight

Jeff Prince
DISH, Texas is Ground Zero for Barnett Shale activists who take offense at being poisoned by natural gas drilling. So the town makes perfect sense for hosting tonight’s anti-pollution rendezvous, when Downwinders At Risk ...

Son, Rise For Sunset

Jeff Prince
The Texas Railroad Commission and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality are two state agencies that monitor natural gas drilling and its impact on the environment. The doggedness of both agencies is often questioned. Cr...

Bob Schieffer Is Puking Somewhere

Jeff Prince
Texas Christian University’s The Daily Skiff offers this opinion piece from senior writing major Danny Peters, who might want to consider repeating some of his earlier journalism classes. Under the headline “Air qua...