North Texas earthquakes are getting ridiculous!

by TXsharon on November 26, 2013

in earthquakes

There was a 3.0M quake this morning in the same area of North Texas. Event Page

I am in contact with people in the area who have documented before and after conditions of their home so the media should not say “…it was a small earthquake and caused no damage.”

Also see:
Updated: Frackademia to study North Texas fracking earthquakes

Tap dancing around fracking earthquakes

EQ area


UPDATE: I’m hearing more reports about earthquakes but nothing is showing on the USGS report.

11/26/13 – 2.7M at 2:03pm Event Page

11/26/13 – 2.7M at 7:55pm Event Page


{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

GhostBlogger November 26, 2013 at 12:58 pm

But, having these quakes is in fracker’s interest. If you have enough quakes, people will move out of the area, no one will want to live there, so, cheaper mineral rights for frackers!


Alberta Neighbor November 26, 2013 at 2:21 pm

Between their earthquakes and their gas migration, the industry seems to be getting a hell of a deal.


Fracking Crazy November 26, 2013 at 3:26 pm

I was thinking about going for a dip in that lake over there.

Looks inviting!

Maybe we should throw a match in there and see what happens!


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