Old Dude Whips Out a Concealed Handgun and Kills Chain-Snatcher Who Attacked His Wife

Categories: Crime

Ronnie Lummus, 71, must not look like the type to carry a gun.

But it's a good thing he was packing last night. He and his wife were shopping at Aldi's on Forest Lane in Northwest Dallas, close to LBJ Freeway. When the couple finished, they walked through the sliding glass doors to the parking lot around 7:20 p.m., and that's when Lummus' wife's gold necklace caught one man's eye.

The man, who police say is in his 30s, approached Lummus' wife and wrenched the jewelry off her neck. Then, he pushed her to the ground and took off, running toward his car.

See also: In One of Dallas' Roughest Neighborhoods, a Boy Shot Dead and No Explanation

Lummus took out his concealed handgun and started firing. Police say he fired multiple shots, with at least one hitting its mark.

The man managed to open his car door, get in and attempt to drive. He didn't make it far. He died at the wheel, and his vehicle rammed into a parked car.

When police arrived, they sussed out that Lummus had a valid concealed handgun license. Police say he feared for his and his wife's lives during the robbery, and witnesses back up that he fired in self-defense.

Send your story tips to the author, Sky Chadde.

My Voice Nation Help

I guess he should have trolled Target for his prey..They are anti carry there...Do your homework criminals. 


A summary execution for the crime of theft; under $50 value.

In Texas this is a class C misdemeanor, a crime punishable by a fine not to exceed $500 and NO jail time.


A textbook definition of gun control. Mr. Lummus acquired and hit the target, resulting in a kill.  Nice job!

primi_timpano topcommenter

You can use deadly force on a fleeing thief?


"The man, who police say is in his 30s..."  Odd choice of verb tense.


Thank you Mr. Lummus for your public service the night of 28OCT2014.


So sad when someone throws away their life for a gold chain.

gm0622 topcommenter

Good job Sir!


Old folks shopping at ALDI. They save 20 cents a pound on bananas.

Easy targets. Are you feeling lucky, punk?


This will go on the NRA's newsletter this month. 
Bet they leave off that mass killing in Canada.

TheRuddSki topcommenter

Yet another NRA poster boy.

The dead one I mean.


@barawlins I think you missed some of the other charges....Battery..strong arm robbery ect...Hope this happens to your mom someday..maybe you won't be so flippant about it. 

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@barawlins Don't forget assault.  And the crime was committed against a protected social group, the elderly, so it could be classified as a hate crime.  The primary victim was a woman, so probably part of the war on women as well.

Are you really taking up for the thug in this scenario?


@primi_timpano No, not even close to legal. However, you can make up a story about how you felt threatened (in the sense that you thought maybe he'd come back and kill you) and the cops/prosecutors can pretend to believe you. In a case like this the responding officers will help you get the wording right.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I think we can assume this was not the dead guy's first rodeo, and it's a damn shame no previous robberies were his last.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

Problem is, with the price of ammunition, he probably had to spend $8 in ammo, and I'm sure he's on a fixed budget.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@dmay1 I'm guessing that would be because the NRA is concerned with the rights of gun owners in the US.  The NFA might have a mention of events in Canada. By the way, the events in Canada involved two soldiers getting hit by a car in Quebec, with 1 dead; and one soldier shot to death in Ottawa, then the shooting death of the culprit.  Tragic, yes, but not a mass killing.


@RTGolden1 @barawlins And, an elderly person being thrown down can suffer a devastating injury such a broken hip.  My mother-in-law began a rapid decline after a fall that broke her hip.

It is a shame that more scumbags aren't having their careers of crime ended like this.


Just wondering if the punishment fit the crime.


@timothyalvin Wrong.In Texas, a person is justified in using deadly force against another to protect land or tangible, movable property when and to the degree he reasonably believes the deadly force is immediately necessary to prevent the other who is fleeing immediately after committing burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, or theft during the nighttime from escaping with the property and he reasonably believes that the land or property cannot be protected or recovered by any other means.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Weren't the Canadian killings jihadi lone wolf ops?


@timothyalvin, in this case, @bradjohnson774 is actually correct.

According to Texas law, and this is verbatim, "Deadly force may also be used to prevent a person from fleeing with property immediately after the commission of a burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, or theft during the nighttime if the actor believes that the property cannot be recovered by any other means [this is the most important here] or the use of force other than deadly force would expose the person to a substantial risk of death or serious bodily injury."

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@TheRuddSki Correct sir.  Homicidal acts in western climes by Muslims are always lone wolf acts, outliers, usually the fault of the oppressive western democracy in which those acts occur, likely the fault of white christian males with guns, who somehow force the otherwise peaceful muslim fanatic into such desperate acts.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


By Allah, someone gets it. Now, about the deadly aged shoppers and their precious JEWelry, how can we protect ourselves?

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