October 30, 2014 23:44 UTC

Obama Halloween

Video The Boy on Graves-End Road by Caty Weaver

VOA Learning English is proud to present a story written by our own Caty Weaver. This story begins in a typical suburban American home, but the end is something really supernatural! Teachers and actors, see the script if you want to act out the story yourself on Halloween! More

In the News

A convoy of peshmerga vehicles is escorted by Turkish Kurds on their way to the Turkish-Syrian border, in Kiziltepe near the southeastern city of Mardin October 29, 2014

Iraqi Kurdish Fighters Enter Kobani

Also in the news, Burkina Faso ends efforts to extend its presidential term limit after protests in the capital. Ukraine says the EU will be guarantor in any gas deal with Russia. Myanmar holds a major meeting Friday. And claims of cheating delay SAT results for South Korean and Chinese students. More

Learning English Videos

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Chinese Company Buys New York's Waldorf Astoriai
The $1.95 billion deal with Anbang Insurance Group is the highest price ever paid for a U.S. hotel.

Video Chinese Company Buys New York's Waldorf Astoria

The $1.95 billion deal with Anbang Insurance Group is the highest price ever paid for a U.S. hotel.

Video Talk2US: Anna Mateo and Dr. Jill Robbins Carve a Pumpkin

See how Americans prepare for Halloween by carving a pumpkin to make a Jack-O-Lantern!

Video Senegal Uses Technology to Teach Reading

Senegal has limited financing for literacy – reading and writing. At-home study programs are easy to operate and not costly.

Video Is Kale a Superfood?

The vegetable has almost 100 percent of the daily suggested intake of both vitamin A and C. Kale is good for your heart and may help fight against some kinds of cancer.

Video TALK2US: Baseball Terms in English Idioms

Caty Weaver and Ashley Thompson talk about some common baseball terms that have entered everyday conversation in English idioms.

Video Dry Weather Hurts Farmers in Southwestern US

Parts of Texas and Oklahoma have had little rain for several years; farmers have suffered billions of dollars in losses.

Video Talk2US: Pretty Little Adjectives!

Adjectives are words that describe something or someone. Jonathan Evans talked with callers about some of their favorite adjectives.

Video What is Cosplay?

Have you ever wondered about the cultural phenomenon called 'cosplay?' Check it out with Dr. Jill!

Video World's Rich Get Their Own Facebook

Users must pay thousands of dollars a year; information will be private and there will be no advertising. Also, the site will be supervised to prevent bad behavior.

Video English in a Minute: Apple of One's Eye

What could the "apple of one's eye" possibly be? Watch this video and found out about the American English phrase.

Video News Words: Consensus

Our hosts explain the term consensus and how it may be used in the news. Then, write a comment or ask us a question below.

Video US Economy Shows Sharp Growth From April to June

Some economists say the second quarter growth is a sign that the U.S. economy is finally improving. Others are not so sure.

Video US Program Aims to Support Girls' Education

The United States Agency for International Development has launched a $231 million program called “Let Girls Learn.” The effort will help girls in Afghanistan, Jordan, Guatemala, South Sudan and Nigeria.

Video Are You an Airhead? Slang with Dr. Jill

English has many slang expressions that are insults. Here are some clean ones from Dr. Jill

Video Fit Kids Have Better Test Scores

Being fit is not just good for your body. It may also help you in the classroom. Read more about how being active can help children learn.


Vietnam China Sea Disputes

Audio Vietnam, China Look for Solution to Sea Dispute

China and Vietnam have agreed to find a solution to a territorial conflict in the South China Sea. The two countries have sought to improve relations since the territorial dispute worsened last May. That was when China deployed oil drilling equipment to waters claimed by each side. More

Business and Economics

Audio Wealth, Poverty Are Issues in Hong Kong Protests

The pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong are mainly about the right to vote without interference from China’s central government. But there are at least two other less talked-about issues. One is concern about the rising cost of living in Hong Kong. Another is the gap between rich and poor. More


Audio Oscar de la Renta Dressed First Ladies and Movie Stars

Clothing designer Oscar de la Renta died Monday at his home in the American state of Connecticut. He was 82 years old. His wife said he died of problems related to cancer. Mr. de la Renta dressed American movie stars and first ladies such as Jacqueline Kennedy, Nancy Reagan and Hillary Clinton. More


Brain Resource Infographic

Audio Dealing with Distractions and Overreactions

Five million American children and teenagers have Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, commonly known as ADHD. ADHD makes it difficult - if not impossible - to stay with a duty until it is complete. Katherine Ellison knows the problem well. | Health Report More


Star House

Video Home of Last Comanche Chief Close to Ruins

One of the most interesting people in U.S. history is Quanah Parker, the last chief of the country’s Comanche Indian tribe. Quanah Parker was the son of a Comanche warrior and a white woman who had been captured by the Indians. Quanah Parker was a fierce fighter. But that ended one day in 1875. More

Science and Technology

Methane oxidizing

Photogallery Small Organisms in Deep Sea Rocks Eat Methane

The gas methane has been linked to rising temperatures on Earth. But methane does not stay in the atmosphere as long as another “greenhouse gas” -- carbon dioxide. Scientists say both gases trap heat from the sun. They prevent heat from escaping into outer space. More


Audio Iron Ships Clash at Sea

The American Civil War was fought not only on land, but at sea. In 1862, Confederate and Union forces fought a new kind of navy battle in waters off Hampton Roads, Virginia. It was the first battle between iron ships. On the Confederate side was a ship called the Virginia. | The Making of a Nation More


EFSET graphic

Audio Free Online Test Targets English Learners

The new exam is called the EFSET, which is short for Education First Standardized English Test. The company, Education First, is known by the letters EF. It operates schools and offices in more than 50 countries. More

The Day in Photos

 An elderly man walks past a cartoon character painted on a school wall in Suruc, near the Turkey-Syria border, across from the Syrian town of Kobani.

An elderly man walks past a cartoon character painted on a school wall in Suruc, near the Turkey-Syria border, across from the Syrian town of Kobani.

Word of the Day

Question image

Kill (verb)

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Talk2US: Anna Mateo and Dr. Jill Robbins Carve a Pumpkini
|| 0:00:00
See how Americans prepare for Halloween by carving a pumpkin to make a Jack-O-Lantern!


Monday, October 27, 1700 UTC: Do you carve vegetables or fruit? Anna Mateo and Dr. Jill Robbins show how to carve a pumpkin for Halloween.

Tuesday, October 28, 1330 UTC: Ashley Thompson talks about blended words.

Wednesday, October 29, 1500 UTC: Adam Brock talks about commonly confused words

Thursday, October 30, 1330 UTC: Jonathan Evans will SING2US and asks for your songs.

Friday, October 31, 1500 UTC: Caty Weaver presents more baseball idioms.

To participate, send a Skype contact request to VOALearningEnglish


VOA Pronunciation Guide

VOA Pronounce Guide

VOA Pronounce Guide