Gun Purchases Drop in Texas, but More Really Old People May Be Packing

Categories: Guns

"I have a gun in my pocketbook, and I'm not afraid to use it. Now, who wants a cookie?"

Texas, the most gung-ho gun state in the country, may be getting just a little bit less infatuated with firearms. This year, the percentage of gun purchase requests submitted in Texas is significantly lower than last year. The Houston Chronicle reports that 1.1 million gun purchase requests were submitted last year, compared with 910,000 this year.

It's not clear why there has been such a marked decrease. Gun advocates offer several reasons, including fear of Congressional legislation limiting gun ownership. But one possibility could be that gun owners are simply aging out.

According to the Pew Center, a higher percentage older people buy guns than any other group. Forty percent of those over age 65 have firearms in their homes, compared with 26 percent of those ages 18 to 29 and 32 percent of adults ages 30 to 49. Pew data shows that most of these older gun-owners are also non-Hispanic whites and men.

While gun sales overall are dropping, the number of people over age 90 who completed concealed handgun license courses last year is more than six times higher than it was in 2010.

Just 19 people in the over-90 crowd were issued CHLs in 2010. Twenty-seven received licenses in 2011, and 31 in 2012. Last year 122 people over age 90 received CHL licenses.

Alice Tripp, legislative director with the Texas State Rifle Association, says that most of these people have likely had their licenses for many years, and are renewing. "I don't think these people suddenly woke up and said 'I think I'll get a license,'" she says. "Or it could be that an old folks home just went to get the license as a group.

"Many of these were likely people that got their licenses in their '70s," Tripp says. "These are people who have had their licenses for years." The concealed handgun license law passed in 1995, and many old-timers are simply undergoing the five-year renewal process, she said.

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A gun in the hands of someone 90+ years old sounds counterproductive. I mean, how fast could a geriatric whip one out?

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

Only looking at the NEW orders for guns is very misleading.  Instead, look at the number of people who already had firearms grandfathered in and not registered, those who have purchase guns in the last ten years, and those who have applied for or received concealed carry licenses. 

In other words, most people who wanted guns already have them, and the remaining million or so a year are just catching up or new residents of Texas.


coming from someone who works  in the firearms industry, this is a trend nationwide. the Gun market is simply very slow right now, across the board. the gun boom of 2012-2013 is now over, and the market is actually bigger than ever before. millions of new, first time buyers got into the market last year and now have no need for more guns. the only people really buying guns right now are the hardcore enthusiasts who tend to own several firearms.

while the market does skew older, there are plenty of 20-somethings jumping in and one of the fastest growing segments of the market is women. Keep in mind, guns are not exactly cheap and neither is ammunition. it takes a good chunk of change to get into firearms and become reasonably comfortable shooting one without professional training. factor in the fact that the economy isn't great and people have less disposable income, and you've got your main drivers of a slowed gun market.

however, all it takes is for the background check discussion to ramp up again and suddenly you have another panic-buy market, but this time for used guns which are nearly impossible to gather sales data on.


'It's not clear why there has been such a marked decrease.'

Linked Houston Chronicle Headline:

Texas requests to buy guns plummet as fear of new laws subsides


'gun owners are simply aging out' 

Pew:26% 18 to 29; 32% 30 to 49; 40% > 65 

Or maybe people naturally accumulate possessions as they progress through life?

BTW, old folks are more likely to live in rural areas so some increase in firearm possession would make sense: 2012, nearly 17 percent of the non-metropolitan population was age 65 or older compared with only 13 percent in metropolitan areas.



'the number of people over age 90 who completed concealed handgun license courses last year is more than six times higher than it was in 2010.'

2010 - 19

2014 - 122

'many [of these] old-timers are simply undergoing the five-year renewal process'

Renewal process:

'You may submit your renewal application online at Concealed Handgun Licensing Online. You may also download the renewal form, complete and mail it with the required fees. Printable application forms are available in Downloadable Forms. '

The story indicates members of  90+ crowd are all taking courses when the the numbers include those simply filling out and submitting a renewal form.


Summary: 'gun ownership is an outmoded concept'  - based upon inconsistencies and ill-founded generalizations.

TheRuddSki topcommenter

The Obama Surge is leveling off?

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@bvckvs How quaint that you consider anyone with a gun to be a criminal, and don't recognize that almost all lawful gun owners follow the law, don't shoot up schools, and use them for hunting, sport, and/or defense. 

Welcome to  America!

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@c.huxtable85 We don't need to buy them anymore.  The government is pre-positioning them at our local police stations for us, along with our armored transports and body armor.


@dingo "BTW, old folks are more likely to live in rural areas so some increase in firearm possession would make sense."

This is certainly bunk. The only way this makes sense would be if the elderly population in rural areas were increasing. In fact, rural areas are depopulating.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


...based upon inconsistencies and ill-founded generalizations.

And wishful thinking.



"The Obama Surge is leveling off" -- we can only hope, not help, as we realized when we tried to discuss and help those froth-mouthed true believers who feared Obama's gonna take away our guns. Ammo was unavailable at any price, and weapons themselves were back-ordered. Yes, that was the fault of those "morans."

(I'm a CHL holder, life-long shooter, and my mind is as balanced as my voting.)


@TheRuddSki Pretty much.

There is a glut on the market after many folk went out and panic-purchased.

About time for me to get in on the reduced prices with AR15s for the whole family.  Except the dog, who is a fan of the AK platform.


@noblefurrtexas It's true the vast majority of gun owners will never shoot anyone, but it's also true that the more guns we have in society, the more people are going to get shot.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The government is pre-positioning them at our local police stations for us, along with our armored transports and body armor.

I think ISIL has dibs on that stuff.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I have a gun dealer in the family, we love panics.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Maybe folks are anticipating a repub Senate.


@noblefurrtexas @wcvemail @TheRuddSki

And careful you should be, being you and all.

I've heard of noble colors, noble numbers, and noble gases, but unless Furr's Cafeteria has a VIP section, I've never heard of noble furr.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@wcvemail @noblefurrtexas @TheRuddSki I used to be an avid deer hunter.  But, after service in active combat, I decided I didn't want to be part of killing animals unless my life was in danger - ala venomous snakes and spiders, wild boar, liberals, or government bureaucrats.  :)

However, I DID decide I needed available and handy firearms for the protection of my family, and we got concealed carry licenses. 

Being me, and all, a gun doesn't do me much good in that department.  That's where a great education comes in handy.

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