Jerry Jones Lawyers Deny Sexual Assault Allegations at Hearing

Frank Hoover via Twitter
The lawyer for Cowboys owner Jerry Jones appeared in a Dallas courtroom Friday to argue that a lawsuit accusing Jones of sexual assault -- and the Cowboys of conspiracy to cover it up -- should be dismissed because of the statute of limitations.

Attorney Gregory Shamoun also said the claims made against Jones earlier this month were lies.

Jones never assaulted Jana Weckerly in June 2009, Shamoun said, so there could not have been a conspiracy between Jones, the Cowboys and Jones' longtime attorney -- and co-defendant in this case -- Levi McCathern.

In most circumstances, plaintiffs are limited to five years to file a sexual assault claim and two years to file conspiracy claim. Weckerly filed her lawsuit on September 8 this year.

Her lawyer Thomas Bowers argued, based on a 19th century state law, that the statute of limitations for the sexual assault extended each time Jerry Jones left the state during the intervening five years. Basically to find the actual statute of limitations, if Judge Dale Tillery buys Bowers' argument, someone would have to total up all the time Jones spent out of Texas between June 2009 and June 2014 and add it to the date the statute of limitations would have expired.

Shamoun and McCathern said that the law Bowers cited didn't apply in this case, because Jones could have easily been served by the plaintiff at any time.

"Nobody in the state is easier to find than Jerry Jones," McCathern said.

Judge Tillery was dubious that Jones' profile had anything to do with the case.

"You don't suggest that the law should be different for [Jones]?" he asked McCathern.

Bowers' claims regarding the conspiracy charges were clearer. Because Weckerly allegedly received payments from Jones, by way of McCathern, as late as July 2013, two years have not passed since the last act in the conspiracy.

Weckerly, Bowers said, accepted the money, which she didn't want, under duress and without a lawyer.

"Having just been a victim of sexual assault, she was coerced by forced payments and threats," Bowers said. "We've got a mountain of intimidation and threats."

McCathern, who represented himself, was clear.

"The facts pled here are false," he said. "If the conspiracy is true, there is no bigger actor [in the conspiracy] than Jana Weckerly."

Weckerly is the only party involved who received any money, the only one who benefited, McCathern said.

A final hearing and ruling on the defendants' statute of limitations claims is set for October 16.

My Voice Nation Help

I mostly figured that the motion to dismiss would work, if only because the argument that limitations is tolled every time you go to your Aunt June's place in Arkansas for Thanksgiving seems silly.  But the fact that Jones hired Shamoun immediately causes me to reconsider.  Nobody who has a good legal defense needs to hire a man who brought an actual donkey to a courthouse in a dispute with his neighbor when there are perfectly capable attorneys without his reputation available to answer your calls. 


Your odds of being sexually harassed go waaay down if you aren't a hooker.

holmantx topcommenter

I just got back from the Met in New York.

It went through a $65 million dollar renovation.

David Koch paid for it.

The Koch Bros have given away 1.5 Billion to medical research.

holmantx topcommenter

That's a dude's hand on Jerry's lapel.

of course, there's nothing wrong with that.


I'm not a lawyer, but I seem to remember hearing someone say if the facts are against you, argue the law.  If the law is against you, argue the facts.  What deductions can we make about Jerry Jones given his lawyers are speaking about the law and not facts?


The nfl can crank out their "feel good" public relations machine all they want but it hasn't keep the truth from coming out into the light... See recent articles below...

Woman accused nfl player of rape... nfl knew about it but did nothing...

Jerry Jones accused of sexual knew about it but did nothing...

12 players with domestic violence arrests are still playing... nfl knows but did nothing...


Write to Roger Goodell:

NFL Commisioner

345 Park Avenue

New York, New York 10154

Twitter Roger Goodell @nflcommish

Call NFL League Office (212) 450-2000

The NFL is a disgrace to the real game of american football... it has changed our proud game of american football once played by gridon gladiators into a money hungry morally corrupt shame game played by millionaire wife, children, and animal abusers, rapist, steroid users, murderers and pansy boys who have hung up the jock straps to protect their million dollar peticures. It is time for a new football league to emerge so that we can end this corruption of morals... called the nfl.

The nfl has become a shameful role model for our impressionable youth and is hurting wives, daughters, sisters and children around the world. What message does this send to our women and children?... What does this it say about our morals if we stand by and do nothing?

It is time to send a message to the nfl that placing greed before the welfare of women and children will not be tolerated in our society (nor will covering up such dispicable acts) ...

Boycott the nfl by boycotting all corporations that advertise during nfl games.

Do it for your wife... Do it for your children... Do it for your daughters... Do it for your sisters.

"All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men (and women) to do nothing."

P.S. Dont foget to contact your congressman or woman and tell them the greedy and morally corrupt nfl must pay taxes just like the rest of us.

holmantx topcommenter

My old man said one day you get too old to drink, so you have to stop.

It's another one of those damnable tests of character, I suppose.

Jerry.  Stop drinking.

Yer too damn old and you can no longer hold your liquor.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

Let me see if I understand the defendant's attorney that the argument goes something like this:

"Your Honor, the statute of limitations has expired because a blind man could find Mr. Jones in a dark room because Mr. Jones has such a bright and charming personality. Additionally there is no possibility of there being any sexual act, consensual or otherwise, because, again, everyone knows that no one in the Cowboys organization can score, even with a hooker that they were trying to pay or somebody else had already paid for."

everlastingphelps topcommenter

Limitations has tolled.  It's gone.  The statute they are calling for is about people living in other states or going overseas for months and years, not weekend trips.  They had PLENTY of opportunity to serve Jones.  Even if he was out of town, they had actual knowledge of who his attorneys were and could have served them.

The opportunity has passed.


First! but only one of millions to see this installment coming.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Koch brothers generosity is just an attempt to clear their consciences for supporting libertarian and conservative policies and peoples, which, according to 95% of the world's scientists and Shaman Harry Reid, is clearly evil.



@kmoralesnff Here, that just doesn't work because you can't argue the facts on a motion to dismiss, the Court has to assume the facts alleged are true.  As a result, all the defendant is entitled to argue is the law. 


@CWL68  Yes! I will contact my greedy morally corrupt congressman and tell them we won't stand for this!

holmantx topcommenter


She's a blackmailer.  He stopped paying.  

She carried out on her threat.

She dropped the dime.

He's paying the price.

No reason to pay an ounce more, particularly to her lawyer, whose working for a percentage of the settlement or award (which ain't gonna happen).

Jerry needs to stop drinking.


@everlastingphelps Well, technically, she can't just serve Jerry's attorneys but must serve Jones himself. Caveat: the plaintiff could have asked Jerry's attorneys if they would accept service on his behalf. But if the law cited by the plaintiff's lawyer does apply (and I haven't looked at it closely enough to make my own determination), the fact that she could have asked Jerry's counsel to accept service doesn't make any difference.

holmantx topcommenter

@ChrisYu @CWL68

and tell him to stop drinking while he cleans up the NFL.

and congress

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