Jerry Jones and His Lawyer Intimidated, Paid Off Sexual Assault Victim, New Allegations Say

Categories: Legal Battles

Frank Hoover via Twitter
Monday, Jana Weckerly filed an amended complaint in her sexual assault case against Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, further detailing her claim that Jones assaulted her in 2009 and describing efforts she alleges Jones, the Dallas Cowboys and Jones' attorney, Levi McCathern, made to silence her.

The new complaint was filed in advance of a Friday hearing that will determine whether Weckerly can continue her suit. Normally, a case like hers is subject to a five-year statute of limitations, but the conspiracy to keep her silent, if proven, could void that time limit.

After the Monday complaint was filed, it was quickly sealed and ordered to be redacted before it could be re-posted to Dallas County's online court document system. When it was, it wasn't the sexual details that were blacked out. No, it was all references to McCathern and his firm being part of the conspiracy -- including his issuing Weckerly payments from his Interest on Lawyer Trust Account and convincing Weckerly that she would be in trouble if she took her allegations to the police or the public.

A dismissal hearing covering Jones and McCathern's statute of limitations claims is scheduled for Friday.

Jones Lawsuit (Redacted)

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Keep players out of trouble. Owner acts like rich frat boy. Cowboys 2-1.


'....paid money she did not ask for'

They left out the more relevant cause of the lawsuit : 

'....quit paying money she did not ask for'


Whoa whoa whoa. Download the pdf document from the Scribd toolbar, if you cut and paste sections of the "redacted" passages, and paste them into a Notepad or Wordpad, the info is still there!

Nice work on the documents District Clerks office (rank fucking amateurs). 

So am I to understand that: Jerruh was paying off the girl and her lawyer for the past few years, and the statute of limitations is about to/did run out, so Jerruh stopped paying both her and her lawyer, so now she is trying to sue, but the lawyer wants his name omitted from the petition?

Is this correct?


@gabbahey I just copy/pasted the text and it showed up... are they for real? I mean thats a joke right?!?


@plsiii @ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul Guarantee you that they published it out as a PDF with the redactions, and those are easily removed (like watermarks) from a PDF.

edit: You can even just highlight it in the embedded window and it shows what is under the redactions. Ridiculous..

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