Last stone is the dark one - just washed a placed.
Photo: Last stone is the dark one - just washed a placed.
Stove and frig back in the kitchen and the floor in the whole house is done! Two years of Sunday work.
Photo: Stove and frig back in the kitchen and the floor in the whole house is done!  Two years of Sunday work.
Push button dual-flush toilet. Not too expensive and uses way less water!
Photo: Push button dual-flush toilet.  Not too expensive and uses way less water!
The earthen floor in the bedroom is now flagstone - it is lots of work, but its not sticky, like the earthen floor!
Photo: The earthen floor in the bedroom is now flagstone - it is lots of work, but its not sticky, like the earthen floor!
Enclosing the porch for a walk-in closet and removing the earthen floor, 2012-2013 and perhaps beyond . . .
Lifting up the porch roof, putting down sheathing and paper, then replacing the roof.
The view from the roof.
Alien still likes ladders - he came up to help.
Framing in the closet.
People ask me how thick the plasters are. In the renovations I'm doing, I opened up this wall, so you can see a cross-section. The plasters get thick and then thinner, to even out the bales and make a straight wall. They add thermal mass to the interior, so the house holds its temperature.
Photo: People ask me how thick the plasters are.  In the renovations I'm doing, I opened up this wall, so you can see a cross-section.  The plasters get thick and then thinner, to even out the bales and make a straight wall.  They add thermal mass to the interior, so the house holds its temperature.
I am back doing construction now - enclosing a portion of the porch to become a walk-in closet off the bedroom. The 'boys' helped pour the slab floor over Christmas. I am going to flagstone the floor, not do earthen floor.
The porch area with the floor dug from the sunroom.
Me in work clothes - 12 years older than I was when I build the house!
Footer framed in.
Footer filled with concrete.
Cleaning my house - maybe I'll even wash the windows. Alternative Home Tour is next weekend and I'll be open on Saturday, November 10. It's a great chance to see what's going on in alternative housing around Tucson. Hope to see you! Tix are now available for $10 and locations are posted on website:
It took two years, from Oct 2012-Oct 2014 and now the earthen floor has become a flagstone floor.
The earthen floor before - looks nice, but sticky in the monsoons and just not hard enough to handle furniture.
Digging it out
Replacing with concrete slab and flagstone - heavy!
The new floor
The one thing I would not do again is the earthen floor, except that it saved me lots of money during construction.   After 11 years in the house, I am digging it up and replacing it with flagstone.  Here are my thoughts on the earthen floo...
Plumbed to my drip system with a RV water pump. Works beautifully - even runs when dry with no complaints.
Photo: Plumbed to my drip system with a RV water pump.  Works beautifully - even runs when dry with no complaints.