Thomas Eric Duncan's Death Shows Ebola Is a Killer Wherever It Strikes

Categories: Healthcare

Emily Mathis
We were assured Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital could not have been better equipped to treat Ebola. Still, Thomas Eric Duncan died.

The death of Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan on Wednesday morning comes as a shock, despite his infection with one of the most dangerous illnesses in the world. "When people get sick, we will recognize them. And the local health departments will go to action and do the same kind of thing as here," Dr. Robert Haley, chief of epidemiology at UT Southwestern, said last week.

See also: Thomas Eric Duncan, First Person to Develop Ebola in the U.S., Dies

That's not to minimize the seriousness of Ebola, but the reassurances that have been offered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, the Department of State Health Services, Dallas County Health, and numerous other health officials, have put our minds at ease this week.

"This is not West Africa," Dr. David Lakey, commissioner of the Texas Department of State Health Services, said at a press conference last week. "This is a very sophisticated city, and a very sophisticated hospital." Not only are our chances incredibly low of contracting Ebola, but we have the best hospitals in the world to treat us if we do get sick.

But Ebola can be lethal in Dallas as well as Monrovia.

Dr. Jeffrey Kahn, an infectious diseases expert at UT Southwestern, says he is not surprised by the outcome of Duncan's case. Because there is no cure for Ebola, physicians must treat its symptoms rather than the root cause, and must simply let the virus take its course.

"There are a number of experimental treatments," he says. "But there's no specific therapy. And in the absence of clinical trials, it's impossible to know whether these therapies will be effective." Despite the commonly heard theme that early detection improves the outcome of the virus, Kahn clarifies that early detection is important from a public health perspective, rather than in the patient's treatment.

"The earlier in diagnosing it, the better chance you have of it not spreading in the community. The early diagnosis is really an issue for public health members. So early diagnosis at this point benefits the community not the patient," he says. "I'm not aware of any data which says whether early supportive therapy improves the outcome."

Which means that for those close to Duncan who are now checking their temperature every hour, extremely early detection does not make the virus any less dangerous. "From what we know, fever is one of the presenting features. So the monitoring of the body temperature is one way to see if they're infected. If they are infected, they'll be taken to a hospital and given supportive therapy," says Kahn. Supportive therapy includes hydration, blood transfusions, and heart medication as needed. "But again," he continues, "that helps the community, not the individual."

So what actually went wrong in treating Thomas Eric Duncan? From the patient's perspective, rather than the public health view, absolutely nothing. Duncan was simply infected with Ebola, which is a deadly virus no matter where on Earth you are treated.

"We know Ebola is a very serious infection with a high fatality rate, and there's no specific therapy. That's true here, in Africa, everywhere," says Kahn. "The difference here is that we have better measures to prevent the spread. The advantage we have here are in public health measures." How good we are at implementing those measures, though, is another question..

"This is in most cases a fatal disease," Kahn says. "And until we have specific therapy it will remain, for the most part, a fatal disease. I think the take-home message is that with uncontrolled spread of the virus in Africa, that's not Africa's problem -- it's the world's problem. And the quicker you can get control of the outbreak in Africa, the quicker you can control it everywhere else."

My Voice Nation Help

Are we being lied to about the status of the family Duncan stayed with?

Ms. Troh wallowed in bed with sweaty Mr. Ebola for over a week, inhaled his atomized barf and viruses, yet is healthy as a horse!

A nurse in full containment suit attends to him briefly and comes down with Ebola.



PLEASE do a followup story on what really happened to Duncan's close associates, many of whom stayed days in that Ebola infested apartment.  

That they have not come down with Ebola, officially, is very very strange.


-Girlfriend and mother of his son: Louise Troh, lived in apt

-Timothy Wayne 13 years old, Troh's son, lived in apt

-2 men in their 20's, lived in apt

-Oliver Smallwood a relative, lived in apt

-Jeffrey Cole a friend, lived in apt




Regarding the headline.  It has only struck in Africa. 


If we were serious we might require a 3 week quarantine for all travelers from Ebola stricken regions. But we aren't serious. 

Obama and his cronies are more concerned with winning votes and being politically correct than they are protecting our country.  Banning flights is racist.  Closing our borders is racist. It would also stop the endless supply of cheap labor. Sigh.

You allowed ISIS to flourish. You picked a senseless fight with Russia.  You ruined health insurance. My health insurance is up to $450/month from just $200/month. My car insurance is currently only $25/month (from Insurance Panda), but who knows when Obama will try to step in and create socialized car insurance. Our country is doomed.

Ebola needs to be stopped, and for that to happen, Obama needs to go.

holmantx topcommenter

We were lied to by the President.  Had America not been falsely assured somebody could not get on an airplane infected with a highly contagious disease that would quickly spread and kill, our guard would not have been down here in Dallas.  When The LA Times points this out, it should be okay for the Dallas Morning News Editorial Board to follow suit:

"Last month, President Obama announced that all the necessary steps had been taken “so that someone with the virus doesn't get on a plane for the United States.” Had the public realized what those precautions consisted of — merely checking travelers' temperatures, even though infected people can remain without a fever for weeks, and asking them whether they had been in close contact with Ebola patients — many Americans probably would have disagreed with the president. It was only a matter of weeks before Obama's words proved inaccurate." Government Too Reassuring on Ebola - Los Angeles Times (LA Times Editorial).

Inaccurate?  Yeah.  Right.  This administration has established a pattern of fabricating out of whole cloth official statements based NOT on the reality of a given situation but on tactical expediency driven by political calculations.  Benghazi, for instance.  That they actually believe it is immaterial.  Veracity does not consist in saying, but in the intention of communicating truth. - Samuel Taylor Coleridge.  He's gonna get a bunch of us killed (and already has) if he doesn't stop spinning the truth for the next election.

And the brass tacks are, he will not quarantine because he has promised amnesty after November, so the borders remain open.  This, in the face of the Border Patrol reporting they have intercepted 10 ISIS on the Texas border.  And that's probably 1 in 10 caught.

It's not the President alone.  He has surrounded himself with a bunch of kids.  Sycophants, and we are going to pay a bitter price if we don't put a stop to it.

TheRuddSki topcommenter

The wrongful death lawsuit should be filed any day now.


"This is not West Africa," Dr. David Lakey, commissioner of the Texas Department of State Health Services, said at a press conference last week....

Federal importation of people from the West Africa HOT ZONE will change all of that.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter


Gov. Rick Perry has executed 318 TIMES more people in Texas than Ebola!!



It shows how immigration and infection are tight bed fellows.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

The way to treat Ebola is to not catch it in the first place.



I take your good point, but now it has struck in Europe (Spain for sure, possibly Eastern Europe.)

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@gixuselymir "You ruined health insurance. My health insurance is up to $450/month from just $200/month."

Rethuglycan Free Market Health Care -- If you can't afford to pay $$, then don't get sick.

Beggars can't be choosers 

mavdog topcommenter


to be accurate, Duncan Hunter claimed “at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas,” which was completely rebuked by DHS.

Hunter has followed up to clarify he meant to say "at least 10 women named Isis have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas".

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The hits just keep on comin'.

“We were directed at the time . . . to delay the report of the investigation until after the 2012 election,” David Nieland, the lead investigator on the Colombia case for the DHS inspector general’s office, told Senate staffers, according to three people with knowledge of his statement.

Nieland added that his superiors told him “to withhold and alter certain information in the report of investigation because it was potentially embarrassing to the administration".

holmantx topcommenter


We got caps on malpractice lawsuits, thank God.  Having said that, Patient Dumping is a bonafide charge and HHS will hammer that hospital for tossing the guy some meds and sending on his way (Medicaid reimbursements are in play).

Google "Patient Dumping".

Looking at some of the action on the civil side, it appears some of the ER rooms of hospitals have to (tactically) file suit on the ER doctors who committed the sin in order to shove the award off on to their malpractice insurance.

Here in Texas, hopefully award caps will provide a firewall so the hospital won't have to eat its doctors to escape that which the President and his speechwriters should take the hit on.

The President is the one who just said, prior to the Liberian stepping off an international flight and hustling to the hospital, that it was not possible.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


According to news reports, Texas may not be West Africa, but Vickery Meadows is.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


GM has killed more people in America than Ebola. Obama has killed more innocent Muslims than ebola. We could go on, but let's just blame the Kochs and get it over with.


@bvckvs Fight on Fellow Traveler! Your reward will be a coffin condo in a Utopian high-rise within walking distance of the DART Red Line.

holmantx topcommenter

@mavdog @holmantx “DHS continues to have no credible intelligence to suggest terrorist organizations are actively plotting to cross the southwest border,” the statement said.  Then on Thursday, Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson told an audience in Washington that four people had in fact been apprehended

holmantx topcommenter

@mavdog @holmantx

That really is a funny line.  ISIS chicks.

Having said that, let us further dissect your assertion of a "complete rebuke" by "DHS".

Nice slight of hand.

DHS has a major leak and turnover problem, along with low morale due to lack of leadership hence, its "departments" are leaking like a sieve.  For you see, politicization of agencies has its . . . counterinsurgencies.

If you notice, Rep Hunter actually explained:

"Hunter emphasized that the congressman received a tip from a “high level” source at U.S. Customs and Border Protection who told him that a group of people with “suspected ISIS affiliation” –- even Americans who traveled to Syria to fight with the Free Syrian Army against President Bashar al-Assad –- were apprehended at the border."

His confidential source was from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).  More specifically, his source was in Border Patrol, a department under CBP and ain't nobody happy in those outfits, now are they? Ha!

So look now again at the specific CYA statement the larger umbrella DHS makes - “DHS continues to have no credible intelligence to suggest terrorist organizations are actively plotting to cross the southwest border.”

Who's plotting? (ha!)

Why, they're just old soldiers goin' home, man. It is not provable nor actionable that entire terrorist organizations are actively plotting.

just a bunch of "lone wolves".

or sleepers acting alone.

So no need to alarm/panic the Great Unwashed, right?

there is a lot lot of repair work to do.

holmantx topcommenter


MSM Hillary Rehabilitation Program No.7.  It's October, after all.

Toss Obama.  As incompetent.  Not a healer.  A Divider, not a Decider or Uniter.  Leftist.  

Put in a practical, experienced (ha!) socia, uh, Liberal.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


No-one listens to the president anymore for obvious reasons, but he has yet to weigh in on this case to tell us who behaved stupidly, etc.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Ok, no "hillbillies" have contracted ebola, but hundreds of Africans have.

I think that makes you racist.

mavdog topcommenter


nice theory.

Hunter was all wound up and went off. He has zero evidence to back up his claim, and at this point in time we can call it for what it was- fearmongering.

he should be ashamed of himself, and his party should call him out for it.

holmantx topcommenter


Today he will be as shocked as anyone.

And angry.  The White House kiddoes will definitely be skeered.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I'm nowhere near the epicenter, but the authorities here are distributing Valium as a precaution.

holmantx topcommenter


zero evidence except a whistle blower who doesn't want to get fired.  And of course, you are all over that.

at the moment.

yeah yeah yeah.

what's anybody scared of?  other than a bunch of jerks top down.

and the smirkers who support their anti-American bullshit.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Won't skip a fundraising beat, thank God for that.

At least we're not Spain.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


thats the Millionaire race, you're thinking of the Lawnmower race.

holmantx topcommenter

@mavdog @holmantx

“‘We were directed at the time . . . to delay the report of the investigation until after the 2012 election,’ David Nieland, the lead investigator on the Colombia case for the DHS inspector general’s office, told Senate staffers, according to three people with knowledge of his statement.” Nieland also alleges that his bosses told him “to withhold and alter certain information in the report of investigation because it was potentially embarrassing to the administration.”

The White House interfered with an IG investigation and threatened people in the process. Secret Service people and military people were fired.  To make matters worse Dach wasn't fired after exploiting women, he was hired as a policy advisor for the State Department's Office of Global Women's Issues.

You really are an idiot.

mavdog topcommenter


oh, we're not talking about Duncan Hunter, and his political theater, anymore? But there's so much more fun to have at his expense....

OK, now we're onto the Secret Service Cartagena prostitutes. You recall this bruhaha was not covered up, right? you are aware that there were investigations by Congress, right?

You want what, Dach's head on a platter? should we hang him, or just have a public flogging of him, if it is shown that he did actually have a prostitute in his hotel room? as for "exploiting women", don't know about you but when a woman is a working girl, and she gets a paying customer, not too sure that would come near to the definition of "exploiting". Hiring yes, exploiting no.

OMG! if he was shown to have hired a prostitute, what a scandal! A 25? year old single male hiring a hooker, what horror! and there were those who maybe worked to not let this out? off with their heads!

let's see, we have all these events unfolding around us, and you want to focus on this? bwahahaha. talk about being an "idiot"....

holmantx topcommenter


no, the subject is your mindset.  That has never changed.

mavdog topcommenter


yes, you are right, my mindset has never changed.

except maybe last week. I'll have to look at my notes and let you know.

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