DFW Airport Homophobe Caught on Video Is McCleish Christmas Benham from Tennessee

Categories: Crime

DFW Airport DPS
Merry Christmas.
Earlier Tuesday, we told you that we didn't yet know the identity of the drunk, gay-slurring man who attempted to assault a man at DFW airport before being tackled by a group of good Samaritans. Now we do. His name is McCleish Christmas Benham and he lives in Shelbyville, Tennessee.

The police report included below outlines what happened before you see Benham get his butt kicked in the now-viral video. Benham began swearing at an airline employee while she attempted to help him with his flight reservations. When she asked him if he had been drinking, he told her that he'd had 100 drinks -- which, having seen the video, seems on the low end. The unidentified man whom Benham would later kick in the junk came to her defense. Benham called him a "San Frisco faggot" and then punched him in the right eye, the man said. It's at this point the recorded portion of the video begins:

Benham was taken to airport jail and charged with being drunk in public and simple assault, both of which are Class C misdemeanors punishable by a maximum fine of $500. If prosecutors charge Benham with a hate crime, the assault would be bumped up to a Class B misdemeanor, something you can actually go to jail for.

Unfair Park breathes a sigh of relief that this guy isn't from Texas and again commends the work of Not Paul Rudd and his compatriots.

See also: That DFW Airport Hero Was Not Paul Rudd but Some Guy Named Ben Something

Benham Police Report

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After reading JoeJack's hysterics, I am almost convinced to let the drunk fool off with a beat-down and stern warning not to get belligerent in DFW in the future.


Joe jack, what is your fascination with the fact that the victim was male. Why not just a person.  You sound like an MRA poster boy.  I even agree with several of your points, but that "he attacked a male" thing is a bit creepy. 


JoeJack.......If you feel like you just feel into an alternate universe ....you have. This is not a group (for the most part) that supports the gay community in any way.   It may seem odd as one would assume this to be a somewhat liberal blog since it is attached to a alternative publication.  

While I admire you for trying to have a rational discussion, you should know it is doubtful it will happen here.  Even though this video clearly represents a gay bashing and gay bashing, in many states, could be considered a hate crime, you are not going to convince or change any minds here.  

I also understand that you are saying regardless of gay or straight, the punishment for a crime like this in an airport should be more extreme since one is almost treated as a criminal for trying to carry a bottle of water through security.  Had the victim NOT been gay, they might have agreed with you.  

So if you feel like a piñata for voicing your opinion, it is not that your view point is outrageous it is just that any sort of view that can be seen as progressive will be met with the responses you see below.   You can click on the name of any of your detractors and get a clearer view of what I am talking about.    

People drop in here from time to time and have a WTF moment.   It would be nice to have you stick around but don't expect anything to change. 


For those of you asking where the TSA agents were, while they wear uniforms and badges and get called "officers" thanks to legislative shenanigans, they do not have police powers. If you do something stupid in the middle of a TSA checkpoint, surrounded by uniformed TSA agents, at least one of them will be summoning a DFW Airport cop who can actually arrest you. That said, an airport cop was on-scene as this was escalating and was right on top of the drunken moron as The Avengers assembled to take him down.


Benham was charged according to the crime he committed. JoeJack is arguing for a special quantum increase in the severity of the level of punishment meted out to perpetrators of crimes perceived to be anti-gay, nice if you can get it, I suppose.

Although I'm not sure how you distinguish between a drunk's use of an anti-gay slur as an epithet and his actually having selected a gay target (and how does one confirm a target is actually gay? Public performance?)

Hopefully this won't lead to a proliferation of stories about drunks targeting anuses, human or otherwise, any time one such anuphobe screams "Asshole!"


What are you talking about bro did you forget to take your meds today?


Wtf are you talking about bro did you forget to take your meds today?


I'm sorry I thought this was a discussion between me and you. And in such a discussion typically each party will listen to what the other says and either agrees it disagrees, and if disagrees will back their belief with points. Isn't what you just did called punting? Hahaha. And sorry about the lack of paragraphs but I am typing on my phone and I didn't know that you where the type who on last resort invokes a grammatical analysis of the other's passages. Thanks a lot I will never get the time back I have just wasted with you. That time is lost forever.


And one more thing. At an airport, for anything you do wrong the charges are always heightened and the penalties are always stiffened. Jokingly say that you have a bomb in your bag, then you are swiftly whisked away to spend the next 10 months in jail trying to prove you are not a terrorist. But beat the crap out of a male in the middle of an airport, then the same standard nonexistent laws apply; simple assault carrying a penalty of zero years in jail. I mean where is homeland security taking over the case and trying to determine if he is a terrorist or not; anything you do wrong in an airport always carries with it the suspicion that you could be a terrorist. Oh that's right, all he did was beat the crap out of a male, so it gets put into the same category as such things as parking illegally at the airport.


And my god, doing this at an airport and nobody cares? At an airport, if you leave your bag unattended for 3 mins you get pulled into a backroom and questioned. But I guess attacking men in our society is so normalized and acclimated and acceptable, I mean it is depicted in every movie and TV show as acceptable behavior, that even doing it in the heightened security area of the airport, that is still considered acceptable. Wow, it is not a good plight to be male, don't you think?


julytonio the reason the TSA was not on the scene immediately was probably because they consider a male being attacked in the same way you think of it, not a real threat, not that important, not a big deal. You could be assured if it was a female being attacked or raped, that they would have considered important, a big deal, a real threat and for that they would have been on the scene immediately. 


Where are all those dozens of TSA agents sitting around doing nothing but leeching my tax dollars, and making me wait in line for an hour barefoot, while all of this is going on? Aren't they supposed to make airports safe? What if this had been a real threat, instead of just a drunk asshole? Why weren't they on the scene immediately? The TSA is an inexcusable government farce, scam job, waste of tax money that needs to be disbanded immediately.


And I don't mean because it involved a hate crime. It should land an individual in prison for five years even if the nut job did it because they didn't like the other person's face, or they claim the person was looking at them, or whatever. That stuff should pull a five year prison sentence. And if physical damage is done, years would be added onto the five year prison sentence. Instead this violent freak will get zero years. So expect more random attacks like this one because essentially it is legal.


Stuff like that should land a person in prison for five years.


Or should I say Benham's immune to all these? I like the idea how situations such as these are explained in http://bit.ly/1wFnNpC This guy needs to learn a lesson. Being intoxicated can lead you to nowhere but trouble. 

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

The guy is a horse trainer and got himself in hot water with the law for showing a sore horse at the Walking Horse Celebration, then failed to show up at court.  Such a prince, that one. 


I keep thinking, "That is Texas for you!" A guy gets assaulted because a redneck d-bag thinks the other guy is gay and there are no hate crime charges filed and the perp is sent on his merry way with a slap on the wrist.

What if he had a gun on him, especially in his drunken state of mind? I'm sure Texans would approve of that too. As someone who has lived all over the U.S., I don't think most Texas realize how backwards this place is.


Who is the prosecutor who will make the decision about the charges?


McCleish Christmas Benham was arrested for theft of property in September 2013 and released on a $1,500 bond. I guess there's another mugshot of him somewhere.


So the only deterrent to keep me from punching someone in the face at the airport is $500? Good to know.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@JackJett I agree he was gay bashing, but aren't all assaults basically hate crime?  I mean, some one made you mad enough to hit them, you obviously hated them for what they did.  I think this asshat should be punished, but prison for that, I think not, but something more formidable than a class c for sure


No I'm not arguing for an increase of penalties of crimes that are perceived to be anti gay. I'm arguing for an increase in the penalties for assaults on males in general.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@JoeJack Joe, slow down take a deep breath and heed your own advice.  He is listening and responding to you, you just dont like his response.  And seriously, prison for kicking a dude in the nuts and bitch slapping him?  Cmon man. 

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Ever watch the BBC show and others about airports? Drunks, belligerents, toads and douchebags are not considered a threat to the flying public, only to the immediate victims in the area.

The video will up his cred back in Tennessee.


@julytonio Want to get even more mad? Go back to the video, and watch the part in the beginning where he's still yelling at the guy he hits. Pretty sure that's a TSA agent at the check in desk, and she just walks off like there's nothing going on. He practically throws his sweater at her and she just keeps on walking.



OK, untwist those undergarments. 

"What if he had a gun on him? In an airpoirt post 9-11, then he would be in prison. 

So if you don;'t like it here, leave, none of us will miss you in the least. 


@JFPO $500 for punching a male in the face. If he had done it to a female be assured he would be suspected of being a terrorist, and have a lot of other offenses tacked on such as kidnapping, and probably spend the next decade in prison. Understand that it is the males who are not protected by the law for situations such as assault and battery.


@JFPO That and then the whole hand-cuffing in front of your fellow man, perp walk to the patrol car, uncomfortable ride to the airport jail. Maybe a transfer to the Grapevine jail. Get a lawyer and pay that person more than the $500 you referenced. Maybe a trip back to town to go to court so there could be that cost. 

So which part is your favorite?


@ScottsMerkin @JackJett

Yeah, throw the book at the guy because he is a violent belligerent drunk, but hate crime = thought crime.  Punish criminals for their actions not their opinions. 


No five years for attempted murder, one year for kicking him in the nuts and landing a punch to his head. And that other dude isn't having a discussion, he is playing football and he punted.


@TheRuddSki And evidently at the DFW airport, this douche bag was not even considered a threat to his victim since he was only charged with simple assault punishable by a $500 fine. 


@triptheory @julytonio Correct, and the essence of the problem in this entire event is that it was a male being attacked, which in our society, is not considered that bad of a thing. If you don't believe me, answer the question, how many years will the perpetrator spend in jail for his actions?


When will the oppression of males ever end?


@Mervis @JFPO Sorry - but that is nothing. He deserved much more of a punishment considering he probably caused facial damage to the victim and had the victim suffer the humilation of getting assaulted in the middle of the airport (and videtaped - which went viral). A little car ride to the jail for an hour long stay is nothing.


Please have your sarcasm meter re-calibrated. My point was that's a pretty light penalty for assaulting someone at an airport.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


He committed and was charged with the crime, and was detained and arrested at the scene precisely because he was considered a threat.

Is your point that all crimes should have separate standard at airports?



That was a police matter, not a TSA matter. Before you show how big of a dumb ass you are try learning the roles both of these entities play at the airport. 

.......now go back to being a whiney bitch......


@JFPO I understood what you were saying. To me the rest of it worse than the $500.


@ScottsMerkin @JoeJack

He did kick him in the testicles, maybe that is like a pre-abortion, which in certain circles would make it murder. 


Something that lands you only a $500 fine and no years in prison does not imply they thought of you as a threat. You get a $500 fine for not keeping your yard well trimmed in a housing community association. No, my point isn't that. My point is that violent crimes against males should be way more highly penalized anywhere they occur. The fact that the same non punishment applies for attacking a male at even at an airport emphasizes the fact that our society does not consider attacking males a serious crime.


@tdkisok Before you start calling people dumb asses and bitches, maybe you should ask any first responder or law enforcement officer about proper procedure. When an incident occurs, you don't walk away until another agency arrives. 

Are you suggesting that the TSA arrived, decided that this was not a terrorist threat, watched him become violent, decided it was a police matter, and then left?

Or maybe you just enjoy giving part of your paycheck to people who sit on stools, tell you to take off your shoes, throw away your shampoo, and watch while actual acts of violence are being committed right in front of them? 


Hey tdkisok Wtf are you taking about? Haha

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The degree of the attack determines the severity of the punishment. I've seen badder beat-downs between youtube high-schoolers.

If you want yo imprison people for being drunk, aggressive assholes, better build a whole new double-wide prison system.


As far as I understand, you and I are not discussing what is, what I believe we are discussing is what should be. If our discussion is what is then that is an easy discussion. What is is that there is relatively little to no penalty in our society for beating a male, this is well understood. What I am discussing is what should be, and what should be is that for doing what that freak did the penalty should be five years in prison. Most of those years being for what he attempted to do, the results of his attempt should have no basis in the initial sentencing. And what he did should be considered attempted murder and should land him five years in jail. Added to those five years should be considered the actual physical damage that the perpetrator actually inflicted, which is what you are talking about. In this case there was thankfully relatively little damage, thanks to the good people who helped the victim, which I would say should reflect an additional year in prison for a total of six years in prison. With that type of sentencing for this crime you would have few perpetrators and thus not need your double size prisons. By the looks of things today and the large number of men being attacked and beaten today I understand it would appear as if you would need double size prison, but the numbers today are based on today's laws in which it is basically almost legal to beat a male. And in fact your point that there is an excessively large number of males being beaten today actually makes the case for the stiffer penalties that I suggest.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


All I can suggest is that you petition your representatives to make misdemeanor assault a felony with mandatory sentencing, but don't forget to use paragraph breaks.

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