Bankrupt Dallas Billionaire Sam Wyly Can't Possibly Make Ends Meet on $120,000 Per Year

Categories: Biz

Sam Wyly
Erstwhile billionaire/current Dallasite Sam Wyly has fallen on hard times. The serial entrepreneur, who with his late brother Charles founded Green Mountain Energy and turned Michael's into a $1.6 billion craft-store empire, was recently dinged for around $300 million for illegally hiding financial transactions in offshore trusts to sidestep U.S. regulators and the IRS. This week brought news that the case had forced Wyly to file for bankruptcy. Poor guy.

Now, adding insult to injury, the feds now want Wyly, a man accustomed to burning through $45 million per year, to live on a paltry $10,000 per month.

The Securities and Exchange Commission is insisting on freezing Wyly's assets, with a relatively modest carve-out for the 80-year-old's living expenses, to guard against the possibility that Wyly or his representatives will empty their sundry trusts and accounts to avoid paying his judgment. Already this year, the SEC says, a Wyly-controlled trust has handed out $27 million to several of his nieces.

Wyly, though, isn't quite sure he can survive on a mere $120,000 per year, a number his legal filings call "absurdly low" and "unjust." Add together the monthly bills for landscaping and pool maintenance ($2,500 per month), utilities ($2,500), cable and phone bills ($750), and insurance on his $7.2 million Highland Park home ($4,725), and that money's gone.

Wyly countered the SEC's offer by making one of his own. He would agree to the asset freeze but would need somewhere around $600,000 per month to get by. Only then could he pay the the $30,000 monthly mortgage payment on his wife's Aspen bookstore, cover $7,000 per month for what he described as "humanitarian support provided to elderly family and friends." He also needs to run the family business and pay the salaries of his personal writing assistants and housekeeper, which total $523,345.

The SEC has backed off the $10,000 figure, offering additional carve-outs for medical expenses and legal fees, but not by much. It wants to preserve Wyly's cash so it can get paid.

"Sam Wyly testified that he has always paid his debts," it says in a legal filing. "The SEC continues to believe that Sam and the Estate of Charles Wyly have sufficient global assets to pay any judgment ordered by this Court. Appropriate next steps can be addressed when and if they fail to do so."

Send your story tips to the author, Eric Nicholson.

My Voice Nation Help

Sam Wyly is a remarkable cat. He's gone broke more often than a 60s model Jaguar and still manages to keep his hands full. The best laugh I got was where he, at 80, told the court he had to take care of his "elderly relatives". Sam must've been looking in a mirror when he said that one!

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

120 G's just doesn't go as far as it used to, I guess.


He could sell his house and rent in an assisted living community.  That would eliminate his homeowners insurance, grounds and pool upkeep.  His expense for servants would be included in his monthly fees at the assisted living center at a much lower cost.  His wife could sell her bookstore or pay the mortgage out of the money it makes.  If it doesn't make enough money to pay its own way, it should be considered a failed business and shut down.  Isn't all this obvious?

TheRuddSki topcommenter

120k/yr is not a helluvalot of money these days.


Uncle Sam will get his money.  I'd rather live on six figures than in prison orange.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

was going to say rich people problems, got beat to the punch.  fml


If robbing a bank gets you decades, why isn't this a capital offense?


Can we now just call it "The Box Theater"?

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

The top ten percent in the U.S. owned 75% of its total wealth in 2013.  Wyly must have been absent on the day they told them how to hold onto it.

TheRuddSki topcommenter

The gov't needs rich folks money so they can massage rabbits and pay for the castration of sextgenarians, cough it up.

mavdog topcommenter


$120K is twice the median household income. for the majority of Americans it IS a "helluvalot of money".


@lebowski300 armed robbery will, dealing with our insane tax codes can justify an insanity plea. and i don't believe in insanity pleas either. 

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Ask the Wall Street crooks dining at the White House on your dime.


@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz He'll make it back.  Rich people make and lose fortunes all the time.  It comes with the territory.  Some people just have a knack for making lots of money, and a stomach for risk is a big part of it.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter


And those are the needed and necessary programs.  Let us not forget the studies into the mating habits of earthworms and franking privileges for the members of Congress which are really important.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


oh absolutely. Wage and price controls are the way to go.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I hang my head in deep shame, but for some people, one dollar is a helluvalot a money.

But not to me, and neither is 120k/yr.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@doublecheese  Perhaps.  After all, Donald Trump has filed for bankruptcy three times and he managed to get back in the game.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


In keeping with tradition, I might point out that the White House refuses to let us know what Obama's non-stop fundraising is costing us.

mavdog topcommenter


one dollar is a helluvalot a money

now THAT is ridiculous, I mean $1 will hardly get you a slurpee from 7-11. NOBODY thinks a dollar is a "helluvalot of money".

it is wonderful to hear that your affluence and lifestyle is such that a measley $120K isn't sufficient income to keep you comfortable. la dolce vita eh..

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@TheRuddSki Probably just a proportionally equivalent cost to what Perry cost TX on his own campaigning.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Some people live on less than a dollar a day, but a dollar to you is nothing?

Heartless bastard.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Has anyone asked him?

mavdog topcommenter


some Americans "live on less than a dollar a day"?

wow, you are removed from everyday life.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@TheRuddSki He has to take his shoes off to count past 10, so his answer might be a while in coming.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Read twice, comment once.

mavdog topcommenter


oh, you were thinking of people in other countries when you said a dollar a day.

is that an american dollar a day these non-Americans are living on, or a dollar a day of their country's dollar they are living on?

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The US Dollar is the world standard in comparisons of poverty, just as in oil. It's known as the Sally Struthers Standard, or in German, the Sally Struthers Standard.

mavdog topcommenter


the US Dollar is likely the world standard to us Americans...

btw it would be "der Sally Struthers Standard" in German.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Not if you're talking English in German.

After all, we don't call it the "people's car" here.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Not in polite company.

mavdog topcommenter


in your "polite company" the phrase is der klein wienerschnitzel

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