Artists Who Want to Make Public Art in Dallas Need to be on a List that Closes Thursday

I'm not sure this is the kind of public art they're talking about....

We're just passing this information along. Apparently the city of Dallas has a list of whom they'll commission for public art in Dallas. And apparently this list is currently accepting applicants, even those without any public art experience. And apparently these applications will no longer be accepted after October 30. And apparently they won't reopen the list again for two years.

And in keeping with the city's obsession with the number 50, this list will be 50 artists long, who will be considered for public art commissions of $50,000 or less, for places that sound like the undesirables on the Monopoly board: "parks, street right-of-way, water utilities locations, and other public locations in 2015-16."

That's all the news that's fit to print. If you're an interested artist, you can find more information at and you can submit the materials at

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Actually this is an exciting and positive change in the city's policy.

They already use a pre-approved list of artsts, but now they are opening it

up to a broader range of artists (w the old system you had to have three past commissions in order to be on the list, effectively restricting the list to established artists.)

This is a chance for young Dallas artists to start building their portfolios with these smaller installations.  

Also, the system is used by cities and private groups nation-wide - it's a great thing that Dallas is getting on boar with this.

Finally, in reply to Mr. Galt below - the artists making public art for the city get paid 10-15% of the contract, the rest of the money is spent on fabrication and installation.  No one is getting rich making public art for the city of Dallas, rest assured.


Let's circulate that list and let's call it "Those interested in compromising their artistic integrity in order to suck off the government teat",

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