
zebra mussels

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Don’t Pick Up Aquatic Hitchhikers: New Texas Boating Rules Start Today

Zebra mussels have been stealthily hitching rides between Texas rivers and lakes for several years, but new rules to combat their spread take effect today. The Texas Parks & Wildlife Department (TPWD) is requiring that boats be drained and checked for mussels and prohibiting transfer of personally-caught live bait between water bodies. Zebra mussels, invasive [...]

As Zebra Mussels Spread in Texas, Boating Rules Will Apply Statewide

Update: Fishing and boating enthusiasts take note: you’re probably going to need a little extra time as you head out on the lake this year. Rules to prevent the spread of the invasive zebra mussel will be going into effect statewide. “All boats operating on public fresh water anywhere in Texas be drained before leaving or approaching [...]

Invasive Zebra Mussels May Have Finally Met Their Match

At first glance, zebra mussels appear harmless, perhaps even cute. But the tiny creatures are anything but cute for Texas lakes. Originally from Eurasia, zebra mussels made their first appearance in North America in the Great Lakes in the early nineties. The mussels have since made their way to Texas, and over the years, this invasive [...]

Lake Invaders: Zebra Mussels Continue to Spread in North Texas

Before last week, the only positive thing about zebra mussels in Texas was that they lived in just two of the state’s lakes. But even that’s not the case anymore. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) released an emergency order yesterday which enacted special regulations for three new North Texas lakes to control zebra [...]

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