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One Bin to Rule Them All: Houston Moves Toward All-in-One Garbage and Recycling

From Houston Public Media:  The City of Houston is moving forward with a plan to allow residents to throw all trash and recycling materials into one bin. The garbage and recyclables would later be sorted at a processing plant. The One Bin for All program is intended to reduce the amount of waste going into landfills. The [...]

What to Watch For at the Texas Legislature This Week

A man walks along Lake Travis after water receded during a drought  in Austin, Texas September 10, 2011.

It’s crunch time at the Capitol, and legislators have precious little sand left in the hourglass to push bills out of committee. So you’ll see the pace pick up quite a bit in the coming weeks. We at StateImpact Texas have compiled a not-so-short list of important bills on energy and the environment to help [...]

Drink Up: New Bill Would Give You Cash Back For Empties

Finishing a six-pack could soon become a more profitable endeavor. A bill introduced to the House, HB 1473 by Rep. Eddie Rodriguez, D-Austin, HB-calls for cash incentives for recycling many beverage containers. State Senator Rodney Ellis has also introduced the same bill into the senate. The bill would require many beverage containers to be refundable, [...]

How Green is Your Christmas Tree? The Real vs. Plastic Debate

Shoppers select a Christmas tree in December, 2010.

It’s a debate you’ve probably had at holiday parties over eggnog and tea cookies. Which type of Christmas tree is better for the environment, real or plastic? The question is as old as the advent of fake plastic trees themselves. And as with any argument, there are pros and cons. But there is a clear [...]

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