
Offshore Wind

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OTC Offshore Conference Ain’t Just About Oil and Gas

Tens of thousands of folks from the offshore drilling industry will gather in Houston starting Monday for the massive, week-long Offshore Technology Conference, aka OTC. Since 1969, the conference has been a hotspot for offshore oil and gas technology. Think of it as SXSW for offshore drilling. But it’s not all fossil fuels grabbing attention. [...]

Mapped: Wind Energy in Texas

Drive west from Austin or Dallas-Fort Worth towards cities like Midland, Amarillo, or El Paso, and you’re bound to see your share of wind turbines dotting the landscape. That’s because Texas leads the nation in wind capacity, and more wind farms are on the way. That’s reflected in this map, which shows each county’s annual wind [...]

How to Put a Wind Turbine in the Texas Gulf

How to Put a Wind Turbine in the Gulf: Speaking With Heather Otten

A Conversation with Heather Otten Texas leads the nation in wind energy, but all of that is on land. Now several groups are looking out to the Gulf of Mexico for more wind energy potential. Heather Otten, the Chief Development Officer for Baryonyx Corporation, manages the day to day operations of one such company. As StateImpact [...]

Wind Tax Credit Spared in ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Deal

A wind turbine  rises above field in Burgenland near the Austrian-Slovakian border

Just a week after Texas hit another record for wind power generation, the wind industry and the green energy sector are breathing a huge sigh of relief today after Congress extended a tax credit that was set to expire. The Renewable Electricity Production Tax Credit (PTC) has been around since 1992, and gives producers of [...]

As Tax Credit Hangs in the Balance, Texas Sets Another Wind Record

Wind turbines like this one in France are popping up in parts of Texas, but the loss of a tax credit could stall the green energy growth.

Many Texans woke up to a breezy, cool morning today, and when they turn their lights on and start doing their laundry or nuke a breakfast taco, many of them will be doing so with the help of that breeze: wind power. Texas leads the country for installed wind power, and is one of the [...]

Come and Get It! Feds Issue Final Notice for Gulf Offshore Drilling Sale

The Pennzenergy Company Oil Exploration Drilling Rig In The Gulf Of Mexico.

If you were hoping to get in on some of the action in offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, time is running out. On Thursday the Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) gave final notice of an upcoming sale of nearly 38 million acres of offshore leases. Those leases run an area [...]

Pinwheels of Energy: Texas’ Offshore Wind Potential

An offshore wind project in the Baltic Sea.

Do you ever enjoy the cool breezes on the beaches of the Gulf Coast? Well, those winds could one day be cooling you down in your own home. A few years from now, you might stand on the shore and see miles and miles of massive three-pointed stars rotating along the surface of the sea. They’re offshore [...]

How to Avoid Another Solyndra

While the Obama administration is under fire for funding solar panel disaster story Solyndra, a Yale professor has another idea: stop funding risky ideas, and start rewarding innovative successes: Dr. Pogge has proposed the creation of an Ecological Impact Fund, [which] would explicitly link the accessibility of an innovation to its value… While much green [...]

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