
nature conservancy

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How Prop 6 Passed, and What’s Up Next for Water Projects in Texas

Texans overwhelmingly passed a constitutional amendment Tuesday to jump-start financing for water projects in the state: Proposition 6. The plan will take $2 billion in surplus state money (from the Rainy Day Fund) to start a low-interest loan program for water projects in Texas. The measure had widespread support from both sides of the aisle as well as business [...]

More than Prayer: How Prop 6 Aims to Improve Water Supplies in Texas

Laura Huffman is the Texas state director of the Nature Conservancy.

Update: Prop 6 passed. Read the full story here. 2011 was the driest year in Texas’ recorded history — crops failed, herds were sold off and lakes and reservoirs literally went dry. Some communities, like Spicewood Beach in the Hill Country or Robert Lee in West Texas, had to scramble to find new water supplies. And in [...]

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