Haters Gonna Hate on T-Swift's NYC PR Campaign

Categories: Travel


It's a fact: Taylor Swift's new single, "Welcome to New York," is bullshit, but now that we know it was a PR campaign coordinated by NYC & Company, the city's tourism bureau, some of her latest Instagram photos at least make more sense.

Brick walls and sweaters. #WelcomeToNewYork

A photo posted by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on

Because there are no brick walls or sweaters outside the five boroughs.

See more:
Taylor Swift's 'Welcome to New York' Is Literally a Tourism Campaign Disguised as a Single

Why Taylor Swift's 'Welcome to New York' Is Bullshit

And what thou on Twitter giveth, thou on Twitter shall receive. Having endured skyrocketing rents and tenant harassment, some folks -- including none other than the real El-P -- took T-Swift's latest hashtag and corresponding tune as a cue to skip town:

Of course, there's always going to be that girl who's just as excited as T-Swift is. You know these people. You probably were this person: the cheery tourist, the wide-eyed NYU freshman, the starry-eyed idealist here to "pursue your dreams." Someone for whom nothing -- no matter how gross -- can sour your experience.

Don't worry, friend; sentiments like those fade fast. And in their place will come hardened wisdom.

New York snark is timeless. Like a beautiful diamond, or a wine that gets better with age. It was around before T-Swift, and it'll be there long after.

So, Taylor, welcome! Watch out for the rats.

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Taylor Swift is not even a New Yorker. Why give her attention

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