How to Talk to Your Guy Friends About Not Threatening to Rape and Murder Women on the Internet

Dudes, can I turn my chair around and get real with you for a minute? We need to talk about the fact that scores of you and your buddies are jumping on the Internet and threatening to rape, maim, and murder women.

I’m sorry, I hope I’m not interrupting your morning manscaping, or evening perusal of The Paris Review, or midnight Call of Warcraft: The Ocarina Of Nintendogs binge, or whatever. I know this is kind of a bummer topic, but so is being told to “kill yourself, you ignorant f*ggot,” so.

For a long time, even before “#GamerGate” was a twinkle in a sad white dude’s eye, feminist cultural critics and some—mostly not-cis-dude—gamers and developers have been subjected to violent harassment from individuals who seem to be mildly troubled by their predilections for talking, typing, or otherwise expressing themselves in public, as opposed to shutting up and making sandwiches. Most recently, they’ve been under attack, online and off, for observing that many mainstream video games and related marketing materials are exclusively tailored to the imagined gaze of titty-obsessed heterosexual teenage boys. That’s fine and all, but it’s kind of, you know, limiting, and wouldn’t it be nice to have more diversity in video games?

Many of these gamers and critics, along with their supporters, have been “doxxed,” which is when some anonymous asshole puts stuff like your home address and workplace location on the Internet, because they are mad and want to make sure that the whole world knows where you live and work. Thanks to actions like these, some of these folks have had to abandon their homes and jobs out of fear for their own, and their loved ones’, safety. Even more have been routinely, overwhelmingly harassed, day in and day out, for the apparent crime of existing on the Internet as anything other than a cisgender white dude.

All of this talk of leaving women’s “mutilated corpses on the front page of Jezebel,” is, I’m sure, out of concern for journalistic ethics, and definitely not because of a widespread, deeply ingrained culture of toxic masculinity.

But look: On the teeeeeeeeny-tiiiiiiiiiny chance that GamerGaters are indeed a horde of gender-policing, misogynistic trolls who believe they can operate with impunity in a society wherein “boys will be boys,” and “women will live in abject goddamned fear every moment of their fucking lives,” it’s time for all the cool, good dudes out there to have a talk with their bros about how saying they’ll rape and murder people isn’t OK.

Maybe you think that goes without saying—that everybody knows threatening to aggressively sodomize a total stranger is not the coolest thing on Earth to do. But hey: It doesn’t go without saying for everybody, because literal thousands of somebodies are currently out there on the Internet right this minute terrorizing people with the promise of sexual violence of all kinds.

Those somebodies have brothers and dads and uncles and nephews and bosses and coworkers and yoga teachers and friends and fellow fantasy-footballers and dudes they always say hi to at the bodega and professors and grandfathers and mechanics and favorite bartenders and ARE ANY SINGLE ONE OF YOU TALKING TO YOUR BROS ABOUT HOW IT’S FUCKED UP IN THE EXTREME TO THREATEN TO RAPE PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET?

When’s the last time you heard a dude making a rape joke or saw your buddy harassing a woman on the street, and you actually fucking said something to him about how gross that is? When’s the last time you shared a Facebook post about enthusiastic consent? When’s the last time you tweeted or Tumbled an infographic about the prevalence of domestic violence?

Have you ever actually said out loud, in front of a bunch of dudes, that you don’t think abuse is a punchline, or that you wouldn’t stay friends with a guy who assaulted someone, or that you’d never put up with a dude who sent a woman anonymous emails full of bloody fetus pictures telling her to abort herself? (Shout-out to that guy! Don’t worry, bro, I got your message!)

Like, 180 people follow this dude on Twitter, for example. Yet nobody’s up in his mentions telling him that he might wanna rethink his little rape, uh, joke. How many folks at any one of these Halloween parties held their tongues when white men in blackface rolled up in Ray Rice costumes dragging blow-up dolls around? Hell, nobody had a minute to take this clown aside and have a quiet conversation about how telling Janay Rice in a tweet tagged with her handle to “shut up bitch you married the muthafucka now THATS funny” is not an OK thing to do?

Meanwhile, social researcher Jennifer Allaway does a survey about video games and is told by a self-described “killer of women” that she will endure half a decade of anal rape. And she is by no means the only one.

Bros, dudes, guys, and buddies of the privileged cisgender heterosexual persuasion, this is not my problem. This is not women’s or queer folks’ or trans people’s problem.

This is your problem. You fix it. If you really think that you are a good guy, and that you are not the kind of person who would threaten to rape and murder and silence some b1tch3z for the LULZ, the onus is on you to step up and make it happen.

I’m not gonna go all “wives, mothers, daughters, sisters” on your ass. Don’t do this shit for your mom. Don’t do it for your wife. Do it because you’re not a human scab. Do it because you want people to be better, and because you intend to hold humanity accountable for producing disgusting, petulant man-trolls who think they’re entitled to other people’s time and attention. Do it because you’re gonna stop the cycle of disgusting, petulant man-trolls right flipping now, in your own flipping life.

I’m already out here doing my part to make this world a safer, healthier place. I talk about how to end rape, domestic violence, street harassment, and abortion stigma literally all damned day every day. I do my feminism at the bar. I do my feminism at the coffee shop. Sometimes I make feminism funny, and sometimes I make it serious. Hell, I practice talking to my cats about feminism. I wasn’t born this way. It’s taken me years—and I’m still working on it—to try and overcome internalized misogyny and externalized racism and ableism. But I’ve continued to attempt it nonetheless, because my friends and my coworkers and my peers and my neighbors have actively and consistently had ongoing, public conversations that made it clear I could get my mind right or get the hell out of their lives.

Now it’s your turn. I don’t know what you bros do in your little man-caves besides talk about razors and guns and farts (did I get that right?), but whatever it is, not enough of it consists of policing each other and making it clear that in your circle, or your fraternity, or your workplace, or your comic book shop, or your household, it is unacceptable to be a creepy fucking misogynist.

I cannot and will not fix this nasty problem of yours for you. This is your work and you need to start on it yesterday. It’s as easy as talking—frequently and loudly—about how you don’t think jokes, threats, and offhand comments about rape, violence, and abuse are cool. And moreover, that any friend or family member of yours better fucking get in step with you on it.

This might feel weird at first, especially if you’re not used to this kind of talk. That’s OK. It’s not going to be an overnight fix, and some assholes are gonna fly under your radar anyway. Fear not. In fact, in case you need a head start, I’ve written up some suggested scripts for talking to your buddies:

  • “I don’t know, I’m more of a merlot guy. Speaking of, I think it’s pretty fucking shitty to threaten to rape and murder people on the Internet.”
  • “You shouldn’t yell out your car window at women on the street and call them horrible slurs and grab at at their clothes and bodies to try and get a reaction out of them. I wish Rick would leave his dog at home.”
  • “Every time you post about ‘raping’ a quiz or test, I lose heaps of respect for you, and it’s honestly getting to the point where I’m not sure we should be friends anymore. Watch out, there’s a pothole.”
  • “Thanks a lot, Doc, I can’t wait to take this sweet-ass vasectomy for a spin. By the way, young women who use social media are especially likely to have to deal with sexual harassment and stalking.”
  • “Ted, are you as good at respecting other people’s personal space as you are at baking? This angel food cake is phenomenal.”
  • “Everyone please proceed to the closest exit, I’m sure this is just a drill. While I’ve got you all here, I’d like to point out that prison rape jokes are a good way to get unfriended by me.”
  • Woof, I thought that last pigeon pose was never going to end! I’m really looking forward to going home and having the same expectations for my sons as I do for my daughters.”
  • “Man oh man, Bumgarner is on fire! Hey by the way, have y’all ever promised to kill someone on Twitter? I haven’t, because that would make me a garbage person.”
  • “I wanted to let you know that I’ll be actively not driving people out of their own homes by threatening to photograph their mutilated bodies for the foreseeable future, and also I can’t come to pasta night.”
  • “I’m thinking of planting some succulents out back. Everybody’s bodies are their own and no one owes me or my boner anything at all.”

Try a few of them in the mirror. Feel free to come up with some of your own. However you do it, wherever and whenever you do it, just do it. Good dudes of the world, please start having these conversations—whether you’re at your kids’ soccer games, or the office holiday party, or posting on Facebook from the Jiffy Lube.

People’s lives and livelihoods depend on it.

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  • Shan

    Fantastic examples, all!

    But I do feel compelled to point out that this sentence is the best thing I’ve read in a while.

    “I can’t wait to take this sweet-ass vasectomy for a spin.”

    • Stephanie Grasmick Sager

      It’s also a sentence where correct hyphenation is absolutely *critical*

    • I-C-E-D

      100 ejaculations later, because a vasectomy doesn’t mean you’re immediately infertile ;)

      • fiona64

        Yep. I used to work in a hospital setting. Suffice it to say that men were told to have a lot of paper cups available for samples. :-/

  • Ian Norton

    “wouldn’t it be nice to have more diversity in video games?”

    Video games are art and people should make whatever they want to make. You shouldn’t try to inject your ideology into someone else’s art. You are more than welcome to create your own art with your own message, which brings me to my next point.

    If you want more gender equality in video games, support women that want to make games and stop criticizing sex-positive female characters made by women as “exclusively tailored to the imagined gaze of titty-obsessed heterosexual teenage boys” (I read this as a direct attack on Bayonetta, if I am wrong ignore this criticism.)

    I agree with most of the rest of this article, though. Harassment is never warranted. There is only one last piece I have a problem with; “I don’t know what you bros do in your little man-caves besides talk about razors and guns and farts”. Real men don’t shave ;)

    • Lenoxus

      Why is it that someone “shouldn’t try to inject your ideology into someone else’s art”, but it’s okay for you to explicitly make an ideological criticism of an article? Why can’t we insist that you go make your own article? Heck, unlike with a game review, you’ve actually entered on the space of this very article. Even the most powerful feminist game critic doesn’t have the ability to cause every copy of Bayonetta to come with feminist criticism.

      Anyway, politically-oriented analysis is what happens when video games are taken seriously as art, which they should be. This is exactly what happens with Hollywood movies all the time. Getting bothered by it is petty, and pretending that you’re only bothered because it is political and not because it’s the “wrong” politics is dishonest.

      By rebutting the original assertion and saying Bayonetta is a feminist sex-positive character (which is a legitimate position to make, even some feminists would agree with you), you’re having it both ways. You’re simultaneously saying that it’s wrong to inject ideology as an attack on a game, but it’s reasonable to do so in defense of it. Either Bayonetta’s status with respect to sexism/feminism is off limits for discussion (for no particularly good reason other than “You’re not the artist who made her”), or it IS up for discussion (which is how we treat literally everything else in the creative world).

      • Ian Norton

        Well, you’re right. Since this is an opinion piece it is not really guilty of trying to inject ideology into someone else’s art.

        By providing a forum here with no rules against constructive criticism, I feel that I am welcome to do so. And of course, I believe in a freedom of speech where anyone can criticize anything for whatever reason they want. I also reserve that right to criticize the criticism of things I enjoy. (obligatory mention of harassment never being warranted)

        What I should have said is that artists shouldn’t be influenced by ideologies they don’t share, especially when there are tons of other options, some that may even share your ideals. When I said “you shouldn’t try to inject your ideology in someone else’s art”, I meant that you shouldn’t use certain methods to do so, such as writing biased opinion pieces masquerading as objective criticisms. This article isn’t part of that problem, it just seems to be in support of it, and that is why I am critical of this piece.

        • Lenoxus

          Thanks for responding.

          At the start you say “Since this is an opinion piece it is not really guilty of trying to inject ideology into someone else’s art”, and later, you say something slightly different:

          I meant that you shouldn’t use certain methods to do so, such as writing biased opinion pieces masquerading as objective criticisms.

          This is blatent special pleading: “Opinions are okay, not reviews”. And in addition to the fact that GamerGaters are obviously expressing political notions of how a creative form (game reviews) should be, there’s still something hard-to-swallow about the notion that their real objection is to politicization in general, not to the particular politics.

          The basic argument for keeping politics out of game reviews always comes down to the word you used here: objective. But it’s been pointed out that “Objective review” is absurd and oxymoronic. Reviews are reflections of the reviewer’s opinion, which you are free to take or leave. The notion of reviews being “objective” in the way GamerGate implies it wants has been nicely mocked here and here, where things are reviewed as nothing more than a list of specs.

          I would have a lot more respect for GamerGate if it had started out as a completely non-threatening disagreement with the original thesis, instead of as a combination of a toxic explosion and a mealy-mouthed “Those harassers are awful but they have a point you know?”.

          None of the so-called socia ljustice warriors have ever hid behind “Video games and politics shouldn’t meet”, even when encountering the most disagreeable (to them) game, article, or review. Saying that is basically amounting to “I feel like I’m losing the culture war, so I’m going to pretend there’s a rule that no one is allowed to fight that war.” Many have come close to saying that outright — that what makes feminist criticism insidious is that it’s “everywhere”, so arguments in the other direction are okay because they improve balance. To be fair, that’s actually a bit like the feminist point about the culture being drenched in sexism, but it’s still wrong.

        • fiona64

          biased opinion pieces masquerading as objective criticisms.

          Aside from the fact that GamerGaters have been stone-cold busted over this lie …

          A review *is* an opinion piece. Reviews are inherently subjective. Or are you going to tell me that you’ve never gone to a critically acclaimed film and thought “This is a steaming pile of crap”? If reviews were objective, you would never disagree with a critic.

  • Linda M

    Girls, can we have a talk? It appears you’ve all allowed yourself to be whipped into fear by the likes of Jezebel and Feministing. Can you please stop listening to these idiots and start looking at actual numbers?

    Love, a woman of science.

    • Anji Yukyuzan

      Also, stop defending shitty game/game makers because they have ovaries.

      Sometimes people don’t you, because of you. It’s not always a “GRAND ATTACK” on your gender/race/cola preference….

      • kest

        Are you implying that because someone makes a shitty game, threatening to rape and murder them is ok? Because it’s not.

        • Lenoxus

          Good point — not just the obvious, but the “defense” is literally a defense of the right not to be threatened.

          Seriously, it’s so predictable that EVERY FUCKING COUNTERARGUMENT to the threats takes the form of “It’s awful that she was threatened with death and rape and whatever, just terrible. But, it should be noted that she’s a bad person, and also she wasn’t targeted for being a woman, I just know it.”

        • Ian Norton

          Is that what he said? Huh.

          • Arekushieru

            If they’re only policing women’s or minority voices’ behaviour then yes, it is about sex/gender etc…. Either way, the fact that it is an attack kinda suggests this is about sex/gender, etc….

          • Ian Norton

            It’s not about the threats, it’s about what Anji is accused of implying. I don’t doubt that there are attacks because of sexism but I also don’t doubt that there are attacks because some jerk vehemently opposes a woman’s views and is only using sexism as a weapon, not a motive.

          • kest

            I guess what I’m trying to figure out is why I should stop defending them. If the people I happen to be defending happen to have ovaries, that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m defending them only *because* they have ovaries, especially if we’re going to extend the benefit of the doubt that they are not being attacked *because* they have ovaries. Although I find it highly suspicious that women get so many of these kinds of attacks and men get comparatively few.

          • fiona64

            I know, right? Chris Kluwe came right out and ripped GamerGate a new one. Result? Nada. Felicia Day mentions in her blog that she is concerned about GamerGate and is doxxed within an hour.

          • redlemon

            Hell, a (male) friend of mine posted an article on gamergate and a mutual acquaintance pretty much ignored it except for a comment of “That sucks”. I reposted the same article and this same acquaintance blasted me for being an ignorant female who hates autistic people (no idea where that came from).

          • lady_black

            Who cares why? It’s not OK to attack others, and it’s definitely not OK to attack others based on who they are.

          • John H

            “I thought he only said that sometimes the attacks weren’t because of their target’s sex but because of their behavior.”
            If ze’s not suggesting that somehow minimizes the problem, then it’s a pure derail, which is still a silencing tactic that functions to maintain the shitty status quo. That kind of abuse is wrong, whether it’s becasue of one’s gender or becasue one made a video game you didn’t like. (WTF!? Seriously, is that supposed to be some kind of defense?) Be a better person next time.

        • Anji Yukyuzan

          straw man, try again…

      • Lenoxus

        Care to name a shitty game-msker, or is she “Literally Who”?

        • Anji Yukyuzan

          Pass, they are covered “literally” everywhere if you really need to look….

      • Arekushieru

        And here I thought all the Gamergaters were against this purely because of ethics in journalism. Oh… wait… no, I didn’t.

        • Anji Yukyuzan

          And I thought at the least some of you could understand that your labels are hollow. These Womens’ games are shitty, that is a fact!

          • kest

            That’s your opinion, and you’re welcome to it. Again, it’s still not an excuse to threaten to rape and murder them.

          • lady_black

            Don’t play the game, then, Jethro.

          • fiona64

            These Womens’ games are shitty, that is a fact!

            Actually, no. It’s an opinion. You need to learn the difference between the two, evidently.

      • fiona64

        And sometimes it is because a woman dares to exist in a traditionally male space. Go fig.

        • Anji Yukyuzan

          Maybe… but not these women, they are political baggage wrapped in shitty games, the worst mascots I’ve ever seen.

          • fiona64

            What an angry little dudebro you are.

      • Guest

        Right, agreed – then why threaten to rape them and call them cunts, shove things up them etc. How is that not about gender? Even our post, you couldn’t resist using the term “ovaries.” Why?

        If it actually is just about critiquing a game, why even bring up gender or genitalia at all, let alone threaten to sexually attack them?

        • Anji Yukyuzan

          Because Phil fish was hacked and I don’t see a tenth of the support for him. Definitively that is a clear demarcation of Ovaries over Danglars.

          • kest

            So, if you’ve got one guy who got hacked (was he threatened? or just hacked?) and at *least* ten women who’ve been harassed, doesn’t that make the support ratio about right? Just to be clear, I don’t think *anyone* should be harassed like this, but it does happen to women much more often than men, so there’s probably something going on there that isn’t just in a bunch of people’s heads.

          • lady_black

            Oh, GROW UP, little boy.

          • John H

            “Because Phil fish was hacked and I don’t see a tenth of the support for him.”
            Then you should probably open your eyes. It’s right there, one Google search away. Be a better person next time.

      • JamieHaman

        When it’s a shitty game, say it’s a shitty game. No body has a problem with that. DON”T say “It’s a shitty game, and you deserve to be anally raped, or killed for it.”
        See the difference?

      • lady_black

        If it’s a “shitty game” you have a choice that doesn’t include threats. Don’t play it. Making threats isn’t an option for you.

    • Tapati McDaniels

      I don’t care about stats because it’s happened to me and I’ve observed it happening to others. Do we need to reach some critical mass before it counts?

    • kest

      There appear to be an awful lot of actual numbers linked to in this post

    • Shan

      Actual numbers for what?

      And which of them would include these?

      “Emily May, the executive director of Hollaback!, which sponsored the public service
      announcement featuring Shoshana Roberts, said the actress has been hit with a slew of rape threats after the video came out. The group is currently filing police reports about the online harassment.”

    • John H

      You mean like this?

      Do your own Googling from now on instead of insisting others educate you. Stop deploying apologetics that minimize the harm and prevalence of interpersonal abuse, irrespective of the mode of transmission. Be a better person.

  • Tapati McDaniels

    Having received graphic and sexualized death threats and been doxxed, thank you for this. I find that I sometimes censor myself out of fear of drawing more.

    • Ian Norton

      Yeah, it sucks. The trolls win if they censor you and they win if you talk about them in public. The only way to win is to ignore them but I realize how challenging this can be. I hope you’re safe.

  • Freethinker01

    Congrats, you used the f-bomb 7 times. You’ve reached full equality with knuckle-dragging men.

    • Jennifer Starr

      Do you have an actual point?

    • Arekushieru

      Also, swearing? Has nothing to do with equality. Move along, sweetie. Nothing to see, here.

    • fiona64

      Oh, look! Someone who wants to tone-police the “little ladies.”

      Fuck that.

  • Timothy Wilkerson
  • slsdlksfj

    Well, excuse me for not incessantly policing the thoughts of everyone I know to insure that they don’t express anything offensive to women. I forgot that it was my responsibility to make sure everyone behaves like gentlemen. It isn’t “men’s” fault that a few jerk gamers on the internet are scaring you with empty threats.

    • Arekushieru

      Sorry, but when the majority of the attackers are cishet white dudes speaking against women and minority voices and the ethics in journalism card is just that, a card, because it has proven to be untruthful, for one, and simply given men a(NOTHER) legitimate platform from which to attack and harass women, I have to ask why you’re MORE concerned about being offensive to men, rather than your peers being offensive to women? Sorry… but you ARE… a misogynist. Buh-bye.

    • fiona64

      It isn’t “men’s” fault that a few jerk gamers on the internet are scaring you with empty threats.

      And what makes you so sure that the threats are “empty”?

      I’m serious.

      And dudebro? If you’re not telling those “jerk gamers” to knock it off, you’re part of the problem.

      Which is, you know, the whole point of the article.

    • lady_black

      All that’s necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. If you see something, say something. Call it “man training” and consider it a mitzvah. Guys who do this need to know other guys think it’s not cool.

  • Dorian Douma

    It’s brutal in gaming. You have this minority (I hope) of loser guys who wreck it for the rest of us by repelling everyone and we don’t know how to stand up to them because ffs no we do not have these bullies as friends. Sometimes it happens and in those cases, and as I have confirmed with my fellow niceguy collaborators, it’s often possible to stage a successful intervention. But usually the loser guy just gets bumped from all his niceguy friends’ circles and so you get this separation in the male population… and seriously… we do not know how to intervene on these crazy dudes especially when they’re all ganged up and it doesn’t matter how straight and white and male I am, they will bully me too, so that’s the problem.

    • Dorian Douma

      I play Project Reality, which is a wargame. I’m determined to stand up for universal accessibility and to support anyone who’s being harassed, and I’m not the only one.